Fire and Ice Pt.2

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"And do you, Queen (Name) (Last Name) of the Southern Kingdom, take, King Loki Laufeyson as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," The words escaped your mouth before you could stop them and you blamed him and his emerald green eyes that shined so brightly when you spoke those two little words.

"Then with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. May what God unify never be broken." The priest exclaimed. "King Loki, you may kiss the bride."

His hands reached up to pull your veil over your face, revealing your fiery eyes to him. His hand came up to your face, but unlike the previous time, he caressed your cheek as if you were the most fragile, precious thing he owned. A smile reached his lips, a genuine one, before his cold lips met yours in a passionate kiss.

The subjects on both sides stood up and cheered as they watched their new King and Queen expose their 'newly found' love to the kingdoms. The hundreds of subjects cheered as both of you pulled away and all sorts of flower petals rained down upon the both of you as you walked down the aisle.

You smiled and waved, acting just like a happy bride would on the day of her wedding. The border, which used to be separated by a line, had now merged together. Creating the Kingdom of Fire and Ice. Now citizens could wander wherever they wanted and explore the new found territory. Your first act as Queen was to lower the heat of what used to be your kingdom so that the humans could wander freely without being scorched. Your people could handle the cold because they created their own heat just as you did.

A carriage that had both Loki's and your colors was pulled up to the end of the isle where people cheered even louder than before as both of you got inside and the door closed. The silence was a bit awkward for you while Loki seemed wholly comfortable in this situation. The carriage then took off in the direction of the Ice Kingdom where both of you were to spend your 'honey moon'.

        The inside of Loki's room was not made of pure ice like you had originally thought. It was a grand and spacious room, filled with luxurious items and a giant balcony. The cool air felt strangely comforting on your skin as you left the balcony and entered the King's chambers.

You had shed your dress for a more comfortable one and simpler one. Loki had also taken off his armor and opted to wear silk green pants and a simple black t-shirt as he sat on the left side of the bed. You walked into his room, cautiously, wondering what he was going to make you do and as he looked up at you, he could tell exactly what you were thinking.

"Our marriage will not be consummated on this night, my Queen. I do not wish to make you uncomfortable in any way." He said softly as he looked back down at his hands. "I apologize for bringing you here. My original intention was to build a temporary home near the border so that you would be more at ease but the construction could not be finished in the days before the wedding."

Seeing him act like this was very different from how he was acting three days ago. You were extremely cautious of him still but remembering the pain you saw in his eyes made you wonder if the way he acted was just his facade. It made you wonder what he had gone through.

"Thank you, my King and I am not displeased with this living arrangements. Your castle is truly fascinating."

"As I am sure yours is." He replied, looking back at you.

His eyes were so beautiful. Though it was not a secret that Loki was a handsome man and had many handsome features, his eyes are what you most liked about him. Because it was his eyes that allowed you to read him. You didn't know anything about him, how he was or what he liked, but you could know what he is feeling because of his eyes. You still intended to make Loki feel like he was living in Hel but seeing him act so awkward and nervous made you go soft. This was how he was when he wasn't playing the part of King Loki Laufeyson.

"I do not know much about you," You started as you walked towards the bed only to sit on the corner farthest away from him. "As I am sure you do not know much about me."

"That is true. What I know of you is very little but I am hoping that we could change that." He said sincerely. "In time, there is nothing we won't know about each other...May I tell you something that has been on my mind, my Queen?"

"Of course,"

"When I saw you walk down that aisle, in your dress and with you crown, I thought and still think that you are the most beautiful women in all of the lands. And I know that you must hate me for how I treated you and how I forced you to marry me. I understand. But I don't want it to always stay that way. I want to learn more about you and fall in love with you." He said. "And you may hate me now but I will do everything in my power to capture your heart the correct way and hopefully, someday, you'll end up loving me as well."

"Loki, I can't promise you anything."

"I know. I am not asking you to. I just wanted you to know what I am thinking."

As you intrigued him, he intrigued you. The time slowly began to tick and in the next half hour, you were both sitting with your backs to the head board of the bed, talking about your childhoods. You were beginning to understand why Loki acted the way he did. When he spoke about being in his brother's shadow and never being fully loved by his father, nor fully accepted, he didn't talk with fury. He spoke of that with sadness.

You hadn't been able to stop yourself from wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest, letting him hold you and finding comfort in your actions.

You told him of how many days in your youth you had begged on the streets for food and when you weren't begging you were working until you collapsed from exhaustion; only to have the money you earned taken away because your father needed to feed his addiction. Loki's arms tightened as you told your story about the horrible things you had to go through.

"Never again will you be hungry. Never again will you go through those things. You are my Queen and you will be treated as such. You will be showered with everything that you need and more, (Name). That I can guarantee."

"What I am more worried about is the people that are going through that currently. I don't want what happened to me to be happening to anyone else."

"As I said before, you are my Queen. You will rule at my side and whatever decisions you think should be made will be made." He said confidently. "But the night is going and soon it will be morning. Sleep, (Name). Tomorrow will be a long day."

You had been fighting the urge to sleep for a while now, wanting to keep talking to him but you knew he was right. He moved so that both your bodies were no longer leaning against the wall but laying on the bed instead. He pulled the blanket over you and made sure you were comfortable as you let sleep take a hold of you.

"Good night, my love." You heard Loki say before completely falling asleep.

        The next few weeks were flying by and the running of the unified kingdom was going along smoothly. The people of fire almost never gave any problems and had very few complaints next to the people of ice who had a problem with everything and came to the court demanding that the king sent him to very minimal problems they could easily fix themselves.

"I enjoy the people of your kingdom better," Loki had whispered to you one day as you both sat in your respective thrones, next to each other.

He had sent only the most skilled workers to build you a spectacular throne with flames and suns encrusted in it. It glowed as if it had it's own power even when you weren't in the room.

You smirked and hushed him as the man started to complain about how his roof started to leak and now had frozen completely.

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