Best Day Ever

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Imagine: (In the opening, include your team, Team RECH. Before it shows Cinder sitting on a pillar or something, include Y/N turning away from Weiss before cutting to a battle with him and Helios against Masquerade and Hydranoid)

I don't own Bakugan or RWBY at all. Each character belongs to their respective owners. The intro shown above is the property of Rooster Teeth, as well.

3rd Person POV:

As the sun shined down on Vale, an elderly man was putting up a sign on the top of his store, the letters reading "Newly Re-opened!" Smiling in pride, he started to climb down when something bumped into the ladder, sending him falling. As he rubbed his head, he heard a girl's voice. Looking up, he saw a mocha-skinned girl with red eyes and mint green hair, her black and white clothes obviously those of a Huntress or at least a student training to be one.

???: Excuse me! Sorry! I'm not really from around here.

The man smiled in understanding and she offered her hand and he gratefully accepted, pulling himself up with her help. The girl gave him a friendly smile and she pulled out a piece of paper.

???: Um, would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

The shopkeeper looked at the paper for a second before nodding and giving her the directions.

Emerald POV:

Emerald waved goodbye to the shopowner before turning around and walking down the street. Before she got far, a voice came from behind.

???: I knew you were lost.

Turning around with an annoyed sigh, she looked in the direction of the voice. A teen leaned against the wall, his dark grey hair matching the colors along his jacket, pants, and his combat boots.

Emerald: (pulls out lien and waves it in front of his face) Mercury, I will literally pay you to shut up.

Mercury: (shakes his head) That's not your money.

Emerald: (smiles hopefully) But it could be yours for five minutes of silence.

Mercury: Hmmm..... (shakes his head again) no deal.

Emerald: (growls) Fine.

She threw down a single unit before walking off angrily, leaving a smirking Mercury.

Mercury: Whatever. You want me.

Minutes later, the two were walking down the street, passing by cafes, stores, and the overall stereotypes of the cities.

Mercury: So how much farther?

Emerald: A few blocks.

Mercury: Ugh, this place is so dull.

Emerald: Eh, I kind of like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture.

Mercury: And nice, dopey people who easy to pickpocket.

Emerald: (stops) That's every city.

Mercury: (mockingly) Oh, Emerald! Master Thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by.

Emerald merely growled again before pushing past him.

Mercury: (sigh) You're no fun today.

Time Skip: (brought to you by Chibi Helios trying to hit Chibi Hydranoid)

Pushing open the door, Emerald calmly walked over to the desk as Mercury peeled off to look through some of the books. Tapping the bell, she heard some grunting from inside storage.

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