Chapter 7" Spell unbroken

Start from the beginning

Raven took the book and give a scare smile as he open the book. As if knwoing, Raven trun to page 4, and give a scare wine when he see a fully detail scorpion on the cover.

"yikes." Sage said from behind, making Raven jump a bit.

"Don't do that." Raven said as he look at he picture.

'sorry.." sage said as he pull Lyon alway." Is that Scorpio??"

"Yes, and he a bit of a pain, but he will keep Raven safe." Lyon said, then added." Although he have a little problem."

"And that would be??" Sage presisted.

"He verr...."

He was cut off during Raven cry as he drop the book, grabing his hand.

"FUCK!! That....######....Mother#######......DAMM HIM TO F########## Hell." Raven shouted over and over, making everyone mouth open at such cursing.

Now they would expect Ryan to be cursing, but never would they think Raven will ever curse.

Soon the room shaken real hard and a black spell circle came around the whole room. Everyone was crying out expect for for the Zodiac gods.

"He showing off..' Aron shake his head as he grab hold of aiden who seen to be grabing on to him for life. Same for Alice who was holding a death grib on the twins.

Soon a shadow of a man stood in front of Raven, Raven was look at the man shadow face as the black spell circle.

Lyon forwn." something not right, Raven, don't touch him, that NOT Scorpio."

Raven took a step back as the shadow man reach foward.

""MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Another male voice said.

"It not your turn." Scorpio said, annoy.

"I DON"T CARE, LET ME OUT!!" Another male said.

The book was shakening so hard,, making the whole room shake as well.

"EVERYONE GET OUT!!" Lyon said, for once sounding panic. Everyone try to leave, but could not with the room shaking so hard, everyone keep on falling.

Soon a crack was heard, and the book.......spilt apart.

What sounded like glass shattering, soon a bright dark light came out of the book, the whole room cover in shadow.

Nothing was heard after that.


Sage open his eyes and found himself under Lyon body, Lyon looking down with a tight smile.

" Not a way I envision you under me for the first time, but beggers can't be chosers."

Sage groan as he push Lyon off, looking around the room, he rub his eyes to see what he hope was not what he saw.

What not surpise Sage was to see Raven under a huge man, a bronze skin warrior with mutiple scare, and....Sage move his eyes away from the male eyes.

The never seen reptile eyes on a human before, talk about scary.

But that not what caught Sage by surprise, what he was surprise was to see 9 other males covering each and every student, with the expection of Ryan, who he was covering a smaller stranger.

"who..." Sage said but could not form the words.

Lyon give a tight smile." Meet the rest of my brothers...."

so what you think, what just happen, you think the spell did something  good, or bad.. Next chapter be out soon, please comment and vote please.

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