Next Time in Godzilla Warriors...

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Godzilla learns a family secret
Komodithrax will find her purpose
Waaaay more fluffy romance crap

Finally, the next book is the Cloverfield crossover! It's one of the first ideas I came up with for a Godzilla Warriors book when I decided to make it a series. Cloverfield actually got me into Kaiju movies in the first place. Also, there's not going to be any reference to 10 Cloverfield Lane or the Cloverfield Paradox. I'm mostly basing it off of the first movie and the promotional manga that came out around the same time. Also, this is the 8th book, and the Cloverfield crossover will be the 9th. Book 10 will be the last one in the Godzilla Warriors series. We're in the endgame now.

Godzilla Warriors 8: ZenithWhere stories live. Discover now