Chapter 12: The Temple of Desire

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Godzilla and the others had been walking for an hour, the visions caused by the Temple of Fear still fresh in their minds. Soon, they came to yet another temple. This one looked similar to the other one, but it was different. The Temple of Fear was made of red stone. This one was blue. The carvings were also different.
"Oh great. What's this one gonna show us?" Anguirus asked.
"This is the Temple of Desire." Solomon explained. "It was also created by Red. Whatever you want most in life, the temple will use to tempt you."
"And if we give in we die, right?" Godzilla guessed.
"That is correct." Solomon nodded.
Godzilla and the others were more nervous about this temple then the previous one. They knew how to face their fears, but being tempted by their greatest desires might be more difficult. Once again, Solomon went through first. A minute later, they heard his voice on the other side.
"Alright, who's next?" He called.
Before anyone could answer, Mothra pushed in front of the others.
"I'll go." She said.
"Mothra, are you sure?" Godzilla asked.
"Yes. I have no idea what I'm gonna see in there, but whatever it is, I want to get it over with." Mothra replied. Godzilla knew there was no way he could stop her, and stepped aside. Anguirus did the same. With the path clear, Mothra breathed in and out deeply, held her head high, and walked through the entrance. When the inside of the temple came into view, she saw what looked like her old childhood home again. However, unlike the Temple of Fear, she could now see her home as she remembered it. She was back home on Infant Island. Several paper lanterns lit up the room, and the smell of incense wafted through the air. It was peaceful, but almost too peaceful. But suddenly, Mothra could hear footsteps coming down from the stairs. She turned around, only to see a familiar figure walking down the steps.
"Welcome home, Mothra." The figure said warmly. Her words were just as warm as her smile. Mothra gasped. She recognized this woman. It was her mother, Mosura.
"...Mother?" She asked.
"Yes, my daughter." Mosura nodded. She held her arms out to Mothra, who promptly ran over to her and hugged her tightly.
"I missed you so much!" She said, tears of happiness beginning to fall.
"I missed you too." Mosura said, hugging her back. "But I'm not the only one who did."
Mothra looked up from her mother's shoulder, only to see another familiar figure, also smiling warmly at her. It was her father, Batora. Mothra gasped and let go of her mother, only to run up to Batora and hug him as tight as possible.
"It's so good to see you again, Mothra." He said, hugging her back. Mothra smiled, closing her eyes in contentment. This was perfect. Everything was perfect in this moment.
"I can't believe I'm seeing you again." She sniffled. "I... I love you. I love both of you so much."
Mosura joined her daughter and husband in the hug, wrapping her arms around the both of them. "We love you too." She said. But while this seemed perfect, Mothra could sense that something was wrong. Her tears stopped and her smile fell.
"Wait... how are you still alive?" She asked. "I watched both of you die..."
"That doesn't matter." Batora said. "All that matters is that we're all here now."
"Leo and Battra are coming too." Mosura said. "We'll be a family again."
"But..." Mothra was about to say something, but she noticed something else before she had the chance. Her head was resting on her father's chest, but she could hear nothing. No heartbeat, no pulse, she couldn't even feel him breathing. Likewise, both her mother and father felt strangely cold. These were not her parents. Her father was not there, and neither was her mother.
"I have to go." Mothra said, trying to pull herself away. But her parents refused to let her go, tightening their grip around her.
"What, are you going back to Godzilla?" Mosura asked. "You don't need him, or the others. You never did. All you need is right here with you."
"Let go of me!" Mothra commanded, trying to struggle free of her "parents" grip. They tightened their grip even more around her as she tried to break free.
"But Mothra, isn't this what you wanted?" Batora asked.
"No!" Mothra shouted, finally breaking free of their grip. She ran towards the door, not even taking a glimpse behind her. She didn't know what she would see if she did, but judging by the loud footsteps she could hear behind her, she didn't want to find out. Finally, she reached the door and shoved it open, stepping out into Zenith. Her eyes widened as she saw her fantasy was gone. The only thing behind her was the temple itself. She breathed a sigh of relief as Solomon approached her.
"That was easy, right?" Solomon chuckled.
"Yeah..." Mothra chuckled nervously. She turned back to the entrance. "Alright, I made it. Who's next?"

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