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When I was much younger,

I guess I always thought,

only the important stuff

was the things that we were taught.

"Be nice to others"

"Always share"

"Make sure your loved ones

know you care."

You should never say something

unless that something's nice

and if that something isn't

a smile will suffice.

But what I never realized

is they leave out a crucial part;

For in order to love others

self-approval is the start.

See, we say someone's pretty

and think "much more than me"

We call someone a genius

and say "it must be in their genes"

They say "don't bully others"

Like it's a way to prevent crime;

And slowly everyone became

a bully to their mind.

We bring ourselves down slowly

and noone seems to care,

as they treat things like depression

as if it isn't there.

Maybe they should have taught us

to add to the quote itself

"be kind to one another"

and especially to yourself.

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