Together Again (Part IV)

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I feel his darkness like I did once before. I know he's actually here for real this time. Ben and I stand side by side, facing him, ready to fight and finish what we started. We're a hundred yards away from the tent. I know I was scared but now that's he's here, I just want to punch him, deforming his face even more than it already is.

"Ben and Rey. Together again." Snoke spat.

I glare at him.

"Now, Ben. What you did to me, or what you thought you did to me, that takes guts. Too bad you didn't actually do anything. Now, you'll have to deal with the consequences." 

We ignite our lightsabers at the same time. I feel a force coming towards us and I block it. I'm guessing that was Snoke trying to throw us. He smirks. "You've gotten stronger," his smirk fades, "but not strong enough." He knocks me down with a blow I didn't see coming, leaving Ben isolated. I look up and see that Snoke is now closer to Ben. I try to get up but my head starts hurting and I immediately go back down. I can't lay here and do nothing. I have to do something. I lift up my arm and try to create a wall between Ben and Snoke. Snoke stays still for a second, only a second, but it's enough for Ben to get back on his feet.

"You can't defeat us, not when we're together!" Kylo yells.

"I'll take my chances." Snoke says with disgust. "I look forward to killing you both."

He starts to lift his arm and I know Kylo won't be able to stand one more blast and I won't be able to stop Snoke in time. Then all of the sudden, a blast hits the ground and dirt goes flying, distracting Snoke as he looks up at the sky. Finn. He came anyway. As I stare at the sky, Kylo runs over to me and grabs my hand to help me back up on my feet. "You okay?"

I nod. "You ready?"

"Wait, so you do want to fight?"

"Well, it's either he's gonna kill us both or not kill us at all and I don't want to die today." I grab his hand. "Just promise you won't offer me the galaxy again."

He smiles, "No promises."

I smile and turn my attention back to Snoke. "Let's do this."

Snoke ignores the X-wing and comes towards us. He puts up a hand and Ben and I raise our arms at the same time and blocks his attack. He steps back in shock. We then draw our lightsabers out, making a purple hue around us. Snoke looks the angriest I've ever seen him, and that's saying a lot. He tries again, but fails. I can see the look of dread appear on his face as he fails and fails again. We draw closer and closer to him until we have him cornered. Kylo then puts his light saber up to Snoke's neck. Usually in a moment like this, I would say everyone deserves a second chance but he definitely does not. "Maybe you shouldn't have doubted us." Ben says. I look away as he drives the saber through his neck and I feel Snoke's presence leave his body and also a huge weight off our shoulders.

We stand there for a second, not knowing what to say or do. Snoke is gone, for good, but does that mean me and Kylo go back to being enemies again? We've gone through this before, but I just don't want to be fighting each other anymore. Not after this. He turns to me. He offers his hand to me. I look at his hand then back at his face exactly how I did the first time we killed Snoke, except it's different. His intentions are different. I reach out my hand while still staring into his eyes. The moment my finger tips touch his palm, I feel a tingle go down my spine, like every-time I touch him. He then tightens his grip on my hand and gently starts to pull me back towards our cabin without saying a word.

When we get there, we go inside and I close the door behind us. We haven't said a word to each other since his lightsaber went through Snoke's throat, but I decide to finally break the silence. "We finally did it." I say putting my saber on the bed. "Yeah..." He replies.

"So, what now?"


"I mean, we can't really go back to who we were before."

"I know." He says

"So, are you going back to the First Order?"

"No.... yes?... I don't know."

"Just know that the Resistance has a place for you."

"You're not forcing me to join you?"

"No, if you're going to join me, I want it be your choice, not mine."

"Well, maybe I will."

"I'd like that."

We start to lean in closer to each other. "But if I do, you have to promise to never leave."

"I promise." Then in that moment, our lips touch. His lips on mine feel so long overdue.

He breaks apart from me for a second to speak, "Yeah, I'm definitely staying with you."

I smile as I break apart from him. "You better."

Then Finn and Poe barge in. The room is immediately filled with an awkward silence. Finn and Poe are staring Ben down. Ben gets up from the bed and makes his way over to them. "I'm deeply sorry for all the pain I have caused, mentally and physically. I hope there is someway you guys can forgive me one day, cause I would like to join the fight."

Finn looks behind Ben and at me. "Is he serious?"

I nod.

"I have not been more serious than anything in my life." Ben says.

"Uhhh... sure." Finn says as he puts his hand out hesitantly. Ben shakes it and then shakes Poe's. I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders.

"So, are you two a thing?" Poe asks.

I look up at Ben. "Uhhhh...-"

"-Yes. Yes we are." He replies.

I widen my eyes in shock that he agreed so quickly.

"Well, if you guys are ready, I don't see any reason to stay here any longer." Poe says. Ben and I nod and we walk back to the Millennium Falcon as we swing our arms back and forth as we hold hands. He kisses me on the cheek but I move fast and sneak a kiss on the lips from him. He smiles and looks back in the direction we're walking.

I'm just glad it's all over now, but at the same time, it's just the beginning.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry this took so long to publish. I've been busy and focusing on my main story, but hoped you enjoyed this one shot. Next one will be out soon... hopefully.

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