Together Again (Part II)

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I go down the hallway knocking on each door asking for Finn. Some didn't answer or they just weren't there. Luckily, I didn't have to go that far because Finn's room was only a few doors down from mine. "What is it?" He asks with his head peaking out the window.

"There's a bit of a problem."

He looks to his right then left, making sure nobody can over hear us. "Come in." He opens the door and I walk right in. His room looks exactly the same as mine except no bathroom. "You don't have a bathroom?" I ask.

"You do?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"What?-" He stops him self. "That doesn't matter now, what's the problem?"

"When I said Snoke was dead, I was wrong."

"I'm confused, I thought you said he was?"

"I know. But he isn't. I'm sorry."

"Wait. How do you know he's alive?"

I take a deep breath. "Kylo Ren."

"What? Now, I'm really confused."

"Kylo killed Snoke, or at least he thought he did."

"Kylo killed Snoke?"

I nod.

"Then why isn't he on the good side? With us?"

I look at the ground awkwardly. "After he killed Snoke and we fought the guards, he made me an offer. An offer to join him and rule the galaxy together, but he wanted everything to die, including the First Order and the Resistance so everything could start over. Of course I rejected the offer and tried to steal the lightsaber back. In the process, we broke it in half."

"You guys did that? Wow."

"There's something else you should know."

He glares at me. "What?"

"When I was the island with Luke, me and Kylo started having these bonds where it seemed like the other was actually there with them, in that moment."

"That must have been scary the first time that happened."

I chuckled. "I shot him, so..."

"Not surprised. I would, too."

"When I went to him, I-"

"-You went to him?"

"When I got to know him better, I got to know his past. I saw that there was light in him. I thought if I went to him, I could bring him back. I was wrong. He killed Snoke because of me, but he still didn't change. I failed. That's why nobody can know Kylo even tried to kill Snoke."

He nods and I continue, "I just bonded with him an hour ago and he told me that Snoke's alive."

"And you believe him?"

"I don't know."

"Rey, it could just be an excuse to get you to come back so he can kidnap you again or something."

"Maybe, but what if he's right and Snoke really is alive?"

"Then we'll defeat him."

"No, Finn. He's after Kylo and then after he's killed him, he'll come after me."

"Rey, we can defend you. We'll protect you."

"You can't. The Resistance doesn't have the resources or the people to fight off Snoke and the whole First Order yet," I pause, "I have to leave."

Reylo One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz