Dreams (Part II)

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He brings me into the ship and sets me down in a chair like the last one I was in. but a lot more comfortable. It looks like the same room, but it's smaller because it's just a command ship. He doesn't put the restraints around me this time either. He grabs a regular chair from a table near us and sits in it backwards in front of me.

"Now, what are you doing here, Scavenger?"

I don't answer but I look at the plans on the table. He looks at the plans and back at me.

"Who sent you?"

"Your mom." I say.

He sighs deeply in annoyance. He gets up and turns around. "Figures." He says so quietly, I can barely hear him. I grab the plans with the force and hide them in my robe when his back is facing me.

He turns back around. He picks me up from the chair like he did the last time. "I can walk by myself." I say to him annoyed.

"I know, that's why I'm not letting you."

While he's carring me in his arms, there's an awkward silence. Every once and a while he'll throw me up in the air a little so he can get a better grip on me. We come out of the command ship into a much bigger ship. We must be in a Star

Finally we get to a room that's bigger than the one we were just in. All it has is a bed and a bathroom. He walks in and sets me down. "You'll stay here until further notice."

"At least it's better than the other room, but not by much."

"You're lucky you're even staying in this room."

I roll my eyes. "Lucky? Lucky would be me still on Anch-to training with Luke."

"Hmm." He goes out of the room and is about to close the door.

"Food will come in 2 hours." Then he closes the door. I look to see if there is camera in here. There's none. I go sit on my bed and take the plans from under my robe. I lay them out on my bed.

Wow. They are really planning to upgrade everything. I can see why the First Order wanted these plans. They have no chance against them, with the stuff they're creating. New weapons, new ships, new everything. I roll up the plans and wait for my food.

Two hours go by and I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say.

Ren comes in with food and looks at me with a slightly relieved face, probably relieved that I didn't escape. He sits on my bed and sets the tray in front of me. "Eat. I know you're hungry." I look down at the food. There is a sandwich and water. I pick up the sandwich and devour it. I pick up the glass of water and gulp it down. I set down the glass down. He stares at me with almost gentle eyes as he does in my dream, but when I look back at him, his gaze turns cold.

"Where is your mask?" I ask him. He stays silent as if he doesn't want me to know. I figure I'm not going to get a answer out of him so I decide to change my question. "Am I going to stay in this cell forever?"

"No. Tomorrow you will train your skills...      with me."

"What? Why?"

"Because, I said so and you are now my student, you must do what I say."

"You can't make me join you."

"You never know, maybe I could. We could be very powerful together, Rey. You know it to be true."

It is. I felt like I could take over the world whenever I have a dream with him in it. I feel the power right now. It's even stronger in real life.

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