Chapter 1- Luna

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*one year before

Luna P.O.V.

I'm sitting in the back of the Greyhound bus looking out the window as we finally make it to our destination, New York City. I had stolen some of his cash so I could get as far away from there as possible. Enough to cross the country. He would never find me here, it's New York City, there's millions of people everyday walking around. I was free, I was finally free from that disgusting excuse for a man. Luckily, it's winter time. I can hide my bruises and scars under a coat, the broken wrist is a little harder to hide seeing I have to wear a brace. The visor of my baseball cap is pulled down, hopefully it disguises my black eye and split lip. I count the remainder of my money to find I have enough cash to stay somewhere for a couple nights, and maybe, eat a few meals.

I wait until everyone has left the bus before I look out in all directions to make sure no one is watching me. I grab my medium sized duffel bag and my backpack, and head out towards my fresh start. My stomach growls and I feel sharp hunger pains, it's been two days since my last meal. I decide it's best if I go find a small diner to eat something before turning in for the night. I have a long day of job hunting tomorrow. I find a cute small diner that looks like it'll do, 24-hour breakfast, 'hell yeah!' I love breakfast food. I sit in the corner booth, order a coffee and just a plate of 2 eggs, trying to keep the cost down. A group of guys come strolling in, looking out of place. Dressed too nice to be eating here, their eyes are looking all over as if they're trying to find one of the servers or something. The man in front caught me looking. 

'Shit!' I think to myself as I duck my head back down, trying to hide my face under my hat. But of course, it doesn't work.

 The man sits down across from me at my booth. 

"That's all you're gonna eat?" His voice is confident, low, and husky. Forgetting about my face for a second, I look up to see what this man looks like. 

'Holy shit, he's beautiful.'  The thought comes to my mind. 

He has a defined, sharp jawline. His hazel eyes are bright and his brown hair is slicked back. His suit is perfectly tailored, it must have cost a fortune. 

"Who did this to you?" He reaches a hand out towards my face but I jump back, flinching at his movement. 

I can't even form a sentence right now, "uh..nobody, I mean, it's nothing. Gotta go." I slam down a 5 dollar bill on the table and try to get out of there.

 "Hey boys," The man orders, while exiting the booth himself. They all stop me at the door. 

'Fuck, I'm surrounded.' 

One of them comes up behind me. I elbow him in the gut then whip around putting my hands on his shoulders, forcing his upper body down while I knee him in his manhood. I shove him down, and attempt to run out the door. But of course, I'm a 5'1, barely 110 pound, girl against 5 guys, what did I really think was going to happen? 

"LET ME GO!" I try to get out of the two men's grasps on my arms. 

The hot man from the booth comes up towards me and busts out laughing. "You're a fiesty one huh?"

"I'm not scared of you," I look him right in the eye as my words come out like bullets. I'm still trying to squirm to get out of the hold. His eyebrows shoot up, amused at my reaction.

"There's no reason for you to be scared of me. You look like hell, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Boys, put her down," he looks at them with death glares before saying "and for the record, you guys didn't have to fucking grab her, I was just saying stop her from leaving." The two big men let go and I rub my arms, knowing there's probably already new bruises.

"Oh yeah? I look like hell? Well I've been to hell, and frankly, it's overrated." My voice sharp as daggers.

He laughs even more, holding out his hand.

 "I'm Kaiden, it's nice to meet you." 

I hesitantly reach forward with my arm, going to shake his hand, but pull back when I remember that's my arm that is in the brace. His eyes flashed down at my hand, he can see the part of the brace that loops around your thumb.

He takes a minute and scans my body, head to toe. I instantly recognize the look in his eye, he's piecing everything together. 

"Your shoes are stained, as if you were in dirt, or mud. You were running because the mud splatters up the sides of your calves. There's a cut in your jeans on your left thigh, as well as a blood stain around it. Your coat hangs off of you which, I assume, is because you are unhealthily small. Your wrist is broken, your face is bruised, and lip is cut. And not to fucking even mention, the bruised ring around your neck. So don't insult me and say it's because you fell."

I cut him off before he continues. "Like I said, I got to go." I run.

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