Day 4

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"Hey Jimin!" A girl called over to him.

Jimin looked up from his computer.

"Some of the new workers are going out for a drink. Do you want to come?" She asked.

"Sure Soomin." Jimin smiled.

Soomin smiled and walked away.

"Hey! Jimin! How's it going?" A drunk Hoseok said while walking over towards him.

"Nothing much, are you okay? How long have you been here?" Jimin questioned while supporting Hoseok so he wouldn't fall down.

"Ah it doesn't matter! Come on! All of us are waiting for you!" Hoseok started walking in the club. A worried Jimin following behind him.

Sitting at the bar, Jimin avoided contact with the others.

"Hey Jimin ah! Why are you over here by yourself?" An even more drunk Hoseok said.

"Hoseok how many drinks have you had tonight?" Jimin helped him up on the chair.

"Ah it's not important. What's on your mind bro?" Hoseok rest his head down on the table. "Everyone else left already."

Jimin took his phone out of his pocket, 2:31 am, and took the last sip of his drink before asking the bartender for another one.

"Do you need help going home?" Jimin offered.

"No, I think I'll manage." Hoseok smiled before sitting up slowly, and getting down from the chair. "But I need to go to the bathroom first. I'll be right back."

As he rushed towards the toilet, Jimin drank his third drink and asked for two more.

"Freaking Taehyung, why does it have to be you?" Jimin cried.

"Something on your mind, Jimin?" Soomin asked while sitting down where Hoseok had sat.

"Oh nothing really," Jimin sipped on his fourth drink. "I'm just letting the past effect my future."

Soomin patted his back. "It'll be okay Jimin. You can always talk to me if you want."

Jimin looked over and smiled. His eyes started to shut. Tying to keep awake, he took another drink.

"Hoseok said everyone else left. So how come you're still here?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, I'm taking him home. Anyways, where is he?" Soomin said while fixing Jimin's hair.

A half asleep and drunk Jimin pointed towards the area with the bathrooms.

"Will you be alright going home?" She asked kindly.

Jimin nodded.

She smiled and left the bar and walked towards the bathrooms to wait for Hoseok.

Seventh drink.

"So I see you're becoming more social." A familiar voice said behind Jimin.

He turned around and saw Taehyung standing there. Wearing a leather jacket and some skinny jeans, Jimin was blushing like a tomato.

'Gosh he's so hot in that...'

"Come on Jimin, lets go home." Taehyung said while picking him up and leading him out the doors.

"Why are you here?" Jimin asked while resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I know the owner," He replied. "So I come here often."

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