Day 8 - Last

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"You'll never be anything, you're just another disappointment."

Out of breath, a sweaty and nervous Taehyung arose from his bed.

"Again with the nightmares?" He said to himself. Taehyung turned his head to look over at his clock, '3:27 am' it read.

Taehyung grabbed his phone, coat, and shoes, and headed out of his million dollar apartment.

The night was cold, as it was the start of winter. The air was fresh, and the sounds of nature filled the place with warmth.

Taehyung walked down to where the bench was, and sat down slowly.

With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Even though he left his apartment, his room, his bed, he still couldn't run away from the reoccurring nightmare.

The nightmare from his childhood, the incident that made him who he was today.

An incident that haunted him for the longest time. Even now, as a 24 year old man, it still haunts him.


Jimin woke up to the sound of his cellphone ringing on his desk. He got up, hair all messy, heavy eye lids, and a confused look on his face.

He slowly got up out of his bed and walked over to where his phone was sitting on his desk. Without looking at who the caller ID was, he picked up.

"Hello?" He said in a half-asleep voice.

"Hi." Taehyung said softly.

"Taehyung?" Jimin questioned. "What do you want? It's like 4am right now." Jimin rubbed his eyes.

"I know, but can you come down to the bench?" Taehyung asked softly.

Jimin pauses and sighed for a moment.

"Okay fine. I'll be there in about 10." Jimin said before hanging up and stretching.

He grabbed a coat and shoes without trying to wake up Seokjin, and headed out the door.


Taehyung waited for Jimin to come and rested his head back.

"Hey." A voice said in front of him.

Taehyung looked up and saw Jimin standing in front of him. His hair was messy, and his circle glasses were all fogged up due to the cold air.

Taehyung patted the seat next to him on the bench for Jimin to sit down.

Silence filed the air between them again. Jimin looked over at Taehyung, who seemed to have a lot on his mind.

"Jimin," Taehyung said softly. "Can I open up right now?"

Jimin nodded. "Of course."

Taehyung took a deep breath.

"I asked you to meet me here because I had a dream." He paused. "No, not a dream, more like a nightmare."

"As a kid, I was abused by my mother. My father left after I was born, and my mother blamed me for it." Taehyung sighed again.

"I grew up thinking I was nothing but a mistake to this world. That I should have never been born." Jimin looked over at Taehyung. He was staring out in the distance.

"When I finally left, I was in such a bad state that I didn't find joy in anything. In my first year of college, I was a mess."

"Then I met you." Taehyung looked over at Jimin who was already looking at him.

"You drove something in me that made me want to improve myself, and be successful." taehyung smiled.

jimin smiled as well, hearing this warmed his heart and he reached out to hold taehyungs hand.

"your determination to succeed drove something in me too. i realized that i wanted to chase after my dreams as well." jimin leaned into taehyung.

"and i was so happy to see that you were a ceo." jimin smiled.

taehyung blushed and grinned as well.

he pulled jimins head in and kissed him lightly on the lips.

when taehyung pulled away, he saw that jimin had tears in his eyes, and was smiling.

"oh! no don't cry!" taehyung said in a small panic. jimin wiped his hand over his eyes, and sniffed.

"i'm just so happy that we found each other again." jimin said while resting his head on taehyungs shoulder. taehyung stroke his fingers through jimins soft fluffy hair.

"me too." taehyung said softly.

after a short period of silence, taehyung finally broke it.

"let's get married." taehyung said calmly. jimin, who was half asleep on taehyungs shoulder, sat up and looked at taehyung. his eyes were wide, and his mouth was ajar.

"what?" jimin asked in shock.

"let's get married." taehyung said again, this time turning to look at jimin and smiled. "i know i want to spend the rest of my life with you, and only you."

jimin took a deep breath, and smiled.

"okay." he said softly.

"let's get married."

——— ~ ———
welcome to the end of this story!

i'm really sorry to those who were waiting so long for an update. for a good month i really thought i would stop writing.

however, i felt bad that i just abandoned these stories.

so, here is the end of Mr. CEO. to be honest i lost interest in this story, so that's why it was on a hiatus. i was also focused on my newest story Call Me Your Keeper.

i'm, honestly loosing interest in bts and vmin. i'm not as big of a fan as i used to be, and i'm not a big fan of vmin anymore.

however, that won't stop me from finishing CMYK, because i love the story line, and I want the fans of the story to be satisfied.

so, thank you all for still showing support for this story. it makes me really happy:)

well, see you all in another story:)

(p.s- i changed the keyboard setting towards the end bc i- uh, yeah idk i jusbsjxjdjna okay bye)

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