Day 7

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"You, WHAT?" Seokjin yelled while spitting out his drink.

Jimin stood in front, shocked, and held back laughter. "Yeah, we're kind of back together again?" His voice was not stable, unsure of what to say next.

Seokjin sat in a confused state. "Y-you do realize what you're doing, right?" He asked cautiously.

Jimin nodded. "Honestly, I can't hide my feelings for someone I love." He sighed. "It doesn't feel right."

"Jimin. You're, crazy." Seokjin said while getting up, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a towel to clean up his, mess.

"Hyung! I just, can't refuse my feelings for him. It's just too hard to handle." Jimin cried out.

Seokjin stayed silent as he cleaned the floor and table.

"Look, Jimin," Seokjin got up from the ground. "I'll support you, but if anything bad happens, don't blame me."

Jimin sighed and nodded. "Thanks Hyung." He smiled and left to go to his room.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Seokjin whispered to himself as he watched Jimin leave.

"You told him?" Taehyung asked.

"Yup, his reaction was priceless." Jimin laughed. "Are you sure about this? What about the company?"

Jimin waited for a reply from Taehyung. All he could hear were papers being shifted and small sighs from the other line.

"It'll be okay, I'll figure something out." Taehyung said, tension in his voice was clear.

"As much as I love to talk to you, I've got to go. I need to return some things to the office real quick." Taehyung said.

"Okay, talk to you later." Jimin said.

He hung up after exchanging goodbyes and I love yous, and placed his phone back on his night stand.

He looked over at his clock, '9:52pm' it read, since he was tired from all the action held today, he fell asleep right then and there on his bed.

Taehyung gathered all his papers and placed them in his briefcase, putting on a long coat and scarf, he exited his house and locked the door. His car waiting for him outside, he hopped in and drove down to the office.

"Hello Mr. Kim, why are you here so late?" A woman's voice said.

He looked over and smiled. "I just need to drop off some papers, I won't be long, so after I leave you can leave too, Okay? And tell the others too. I don't want you guys to stay so late." His smile and tone was warm and soothing.

The woman blushed, and smiled back. "T-thank you Mr. Kim! I appreciate it!"

He bowed and left to go to the elevator. As he pushed the button to go up, he smiled in thought of Jimin.

The doors opened slowly, as another male was waiting in the elevator. Taehyung looked up and saw a tall, good structured male standing in front. His expression was a shocking one, as his eyes were wide and mouth was slightly open.

"T-Taehyung?" The voice called. His low voice caught Taehyung's attention and he soon realized who was standing there.

"Bogum.." His voice was weak while calling his name. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to see you, we haven't seen each other in a while, and I'm here visiting for a business trip, but you weren't here." Bogum looked down.

"Oh, well I just need to drop off some papers real quick, and then I have somewhere I need to be." Taehyung said, he didn't want to catch up, he didn't want to see him.

Bogum looked back up, and sighed. "I'm sorry, I know you're really busy nowadays. I'll be going then." He bowed slightly and exited the elevator, brushing passed Taehyung, he could see Bogum's eyes were squinted and gloomy.

He didn't look back, he didn't say anything. He resisted the urge to turn around and say he misses him. He didn't do any of those things, instead he just kept on walking.

Part of Taehyung wanted him to turn around and say something, part of him didn't. He missed Bogum, but he didn't want to talk to him.

Just the thought of him brought up bad memories for Taehyung, but seeing him and talking to him in person would not be good.

He walked into the elevator and pressed the number of the floor. He waited until the doors closed, and fell to the ground. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Why, why did you have to show up." He cried while sitting and covering his eyes.

Luckily, since it was past working hours, no one was there to see Taehyung crying at his desk, tears dripping down his cheeks and him covering his mouth. The cologne Bogum was wearing still surfaced around him.

His sent reminded him of his college days. How he was so confused and so lost in life. How Bogum was there for him when Jimin was mad at him, how Bogum was so caring and generous.

"Taehyung, stop this. You need to stop thinking of him." He told himself while wiping the tears away.

A few sniffles later and he began to part papers and fold envelopes together. His mind was rushing through all his past memories, he was on the verge of tears again, but stopped.

"Get it together Taehyung, you're not like you used to be in college." He kept talking as he was walking towards the elevator again.

Going down, he was still, not moving. His thoughts were now racing around his head.

The doors opened and he left the building, saying goodnight to the staff and walking towards his car.

He got in and drove away.


Well, hello. It's an update, FINALLY!! I was having trouble with continuing this book, but I think I'm going somewhere with this whole, "his past lover comes back" cliché. I read some nice webtoons online and that's kind of what drove me to writing this chapter.

For those of you who don't know Park Bogum, he is one of Taehyung's many friends, and he is also an actor! I'll insert a picture of him.

Pretty handsome, right? I like his hair like this c:

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Pretty handsome, right? I like his hair like this c:

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this very very very very VERY late chapter, but I think I'll continue it every now and then from now on :) BUT my main focus right now is "Call me your Keeper"

I hope all of you have a wonderful day! 

See you in the next chapter

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