FIGHT!!! (Part 1)

En başından başla

Steve stared up at Stark Tower. "It looks like Loki and Set have made their base here."

"They're in my tower," Tony said.

"Our tower," Clint said.

Tony stared at him. "Yes, that's why it has my name on it."

"Yes, that's why we all live there." Clint could do a surprisingly good imitation of Tony.

"Can't you argue about this later?" Annabeth asked.

Tony sighed. "I guess. We should focus on getting my tower back." Clint glared at him. After a tense minute, both men turned their attention back to the building.

"Okay," Annabeth said. "We have the advantage here. This is our home; we know the layout better than Loki and Set. On the downside, they're in a better position, strategically speaking. From the top of that tower, they'll be able to see us coming from any side."

"Also, we might be outgunned. There are more of us, but Loki and Set are both gods," Jason said. "Our best bet would be to take them by surprise."

"But that sounds like it's pretty much impossible, right?" Percy asked.

"We could cause a distraction," Piper suggested.

"It's a good idea," Steve said. He turned to Annabeth.

"That could work," she said. "But we would have to be serious about the assault. To distract two gods, it would have to look like the real thing."

"So most of us will participate in a suicidal frontal assault while a select few sneak around the back," Clint summed up.

Annabeth frowned. "And there's no guarantee that it'll work."

Carter sighed, "Sadly, this is starting to sound like a normal day for us."

Leo leaned forward, interest piqued. "So who are we sending in?"

Back in the Present

On the ground, Percy grinned. "I can't believe that actually worked!"

Inside the tower, Natasha, Annabeth, Leo, Walt, and Nico had reached Tony's office, which also served as a control room for the tower's defense system.

Nico had used shadow travel to get the group inside. Annabeth led the way and disabled the alarms while Walt and Natasha had taken care of the guards. Leo unlocked the program, and the Black Widow took control from there.

"We're in," the Russian said as she began reprogramming the tower's weapons and defense system.

Walt frowned, "Doesn't this seem a little too easy?" The computer's screen went black, then flashed an error.

Leo shot the Egyptian a glare. "You had to say something!" The mechanic sighed, "Here, let me at it."

While Leo was occupied fixing the computer, Annabeth filled the rest of the team in on their position. Nico, Natasha, and Walt eavesdropped on her half of the conversation. "Yes, we're in, but the computer isn't working. . . I don't know. . . There's an error screen. Leo's looking at it right now."

"Uh, guys?" Leo called. "You might want to take a look at this!" He'd pulled off one of the panels covering the computer's inner workings. Inside, the wires and plugs had been entangled within a mass vines and flowers.

Natasha gingerly lifted a strand of the vine. "What is this?"

"Those would be my flowers," an unfamiliar voice said from behind them. Three young adults - two girls and one boy - stood in the doorway, blocking off the exit.

The boy smiled and stepped forward. "Didn't you like the gift?"

A/N Hey, guys. Sorry about the cliffhanger. Kinda.

Originally, this chapter was going to contain the entirety of the fight, but I split it into two parts so I could get an update out to you guys sooner. Don't worry, I'm already working on the next update.

So I had an idea. This story has a lot of votes and comments from you beautiful readers, and some of them are really funny. I'm going to start giving people shoutouts for the really great ones.

These two people made me laugh:

Of-Mice-and-Misfits and the Frosty the Snowman parody they created about Khione in the chapter It's You!

james_1911 for saying "Hi ADHD im Dad" in the chapter Can I Ask You a Question? There are literally 80 replies on that comment.

Welp, that's it for today! I'll try to have the next chapter out soon!

Thanks for reading!

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