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Life: As We Know It Recording Studio

A tall blonde woman wove her way through the crowd of people on the set, making her way towards the dressing rooms. She knocked on the door. Her hands weren't able to keep still, fidgeting with her long hair, her red dress, anything to remain active.

"Who is it?" a man's deep voice asked.

"Fred, it's me, Lorie," the woman replied nervously.

"Come on in," he said. Lorie cautiously stepped inside, leaving the door open behind her. 

The room was simple enough. A blue couch sat in the corner of the room, a small wooden coffee table sitting on a green rug in front of it. The opposite corner was taken up by a vanity. Purple walls spoke of the room's owner's flair. Fred was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. He glanced up at his nervous friend as she entered the room.

"Is something wrong?" he asked mockingly.

Lorie stared at the floorboards under her feet, "I. . . "

"Sorry, but I can't hear you. You're gonna have to speak up, hun," Fred asked.

Lorie flinched as if she'd been struck. "I don't think I can go through with this, Fred," she said, gaining a small bit of courage.

Fred narrowed his eyes, "What?"

"You're not yourself anymore. You're louder, impulsive, cynical. . . I don't want to do this. If you still want to cover this assignment in a few weeks, I'll help you! We can argue both sides! But not now. Not today. Not like this."

"No, honey. We're doing this show today," the man on the couch seemed different than he had a minute ago. An air of malignity surrounded him. Lorie didn't seem to sense the danger.

"I said no! I'm not going to do it!"

"Yes, Lorie, you are," Fred said, standing leisurely. He set his magazine down and stretched.

Lorie glared at him, "You can't make me." The door slammed shut behind her. She jumped and spun around, all confidence gone.

"You're wrong," the man who used to be Fred sighed, "I can make you do this. And I will if I have to."

A hand clamped over Lorie's mouth before she could scream.


The cameraman turned to Fred and Lorie, "Rolling in 3, 2, 1. . ." The recording light on the side of the camera glowed red.

(A/N Bold font is Fred, italics are Lorie.)

"Good evening everyone! Welcome to Life: As We Know it! I'm Fred, and this is my beautiful cohost Lorie!"

Lorie flashed a dazzling smile, "It's great to be here, Fred! I don't know about you, but I'm so excited for our story this evening!"

"I know, Lorie. I feel the same way. As many of you know, tonight we're discussing the people the world is most interested in at the moment. They have a thriving movie franchise, multiple hit book series, and several successful comic book series. That's right! Tonight, we'll be discussing the New York Heroes!"

"Fred, you couldn't have picked a better topic! This group of heroes is trending on every social media forum there is!"

"Of course they are! I'd tweet about them, too, if I were into that kind of thing. They suddenly appeared one day: the Avengers and friends. Eventually, this group came to be known as the New York Heroes, the protectors of the world!"

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