∞ about being in love

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"I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?"

― Celine on Before Sunrise (1995)


You know, that's the worst part of being in love. It occurs without a warning. All the warm and fuzzy feelings come when you least expect it. It just happens suddenly. It distracts you, it craves to consume you, then it takes you to a roller-coaster full of suspense you don't even want to ride on.

You know, that's the worst part of being in love. When you think that by loving someone wholeheartedly, it would make them love you back. But it doesn't work that way, darling. Love never comes with the certainity of being loved back. It's just an illusion of your preferred set of feelings, excitement, and desire. It only gives you a false hope in the end.

You know, that's the worst part of being in love. The moment you finally realize that you're just another temporary fix and they never actually love you, it breaks you apart, doesn't it? The one who used to make you feel so alive is the same person who cut of all ties and burn the bridges down.

I know, we all just want to feel loved enough.
You're not the only one, my dear.
We all do.

But, we can't force someone to love us, right?
We shouldn't beg them to stay when the only thing they want is to leave.

Sometimes, being in love is not all fun and games.
Sometimes, being in love is about getting ready for having your heart broken.

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