Noon Day 5

18 1 0

"We're going to be late."

"Shut up, we aren't going to be late. Stop saying that."

"We'd be late if you were doing the speeding limit."

"Would you like to drive," she hisses at him.

"No it's fine. We'd lose more time if we switched."

"Stop complaining then," she spats as she takes a quick turn to the right. His eyes grow wide as he grips the handle above his head.

Angel smiles innocently at him as she pulls into the airport parking lot. Roger grabs a sign from the back of Angelina's car and they jump out. They're going hunting for a Jillian.

One head towers above the rest as a flight full of elders enters the lobby. Roger and Angel peer at the group. The young adult within the crimpled elders may be their girl.

An shoves Roger forwards as he holds the sign firmly. A Hong Kong sticker is on her luggage bag and Angel smiles widely at her when she finally notices her and Roger.

"Are you Jillian?" Angel asks as she sticks her hand out, seeing if Jill will shake it. Jillian smiles widely in return and shakes her hand firmly.

"You must be Angel. This man must be Roger from what I've heard. You look younger than I thought you'd be," Jillian flirts. Angelina begins tapping her foot impatiently. Roger smiles at Jillian and shakes her hand.

He takes her bags and wheels them to Angel's car. "So, where was it you said you were staying?" Angel asks as they leave the airport. Jill gives her the address. Roger attempts to keep a normal conversation with Jillian, but she continues to shamelessly flirt with him. It ends with Roger simply staring out the window.

"Was the flight long?" Angel asks stupidly. She knows it was almost 16 hours, but she needed a topic to talk about. Jillian lets out a hum of agreement as she watches the city pass by from her window.

"The gallery will be opening in a couple weeks, but the sculpture needs to be done a few days earlier. We just want to make sure it'll work in front of the building and so that we'll be able to place it in time," Jillian says as she scrolls through emails on her phone. Angelina nods tiredly as she continues driving.

A low cough brings Jillian back from reading her emails. Roger points towards a large building to their right.

"Is that your hotel?" he asks her, a hint of annoyance is laced within his tone. She nods shyly and gets out of Angel's car.

Roger grabs her bags and walks her to the hotel. Angel taps her fingers against the steering wheel as she waits for him to return.

Eventually she turns on the radio; she is beginning to get tired of waiting. She wonders if it's acceptable to leave him behind. Sure, he'd be mad that he would need to take a cab, but it would be his fault for taking so long.

Angel glances at the hotel building one more time. Just as she's taking her car out of park, Roger walks out of the hotel's doors. His hair is a bit disorderly, but other than that, he looks fine.

"Were you going to leave me behind?" he asks tiredly. Angel lets out a hum of delight as she returns the car to the road.

"It's your fault for taking so long. Did you guys have a quickie or something?" Angel asks. She's clearly pissed off at Roger.

"What? No! She just attacked my neck with her lip stick covered lips. I had to wash my neck to avoid looking like an idiot. She's a slut, that's what she is," Roger declares as he slumps down into his seat.

"Can you email Alfred about that? I'd rather not have her humping you in the studio while I’m trying to work. She's worse than Donut in heat!" Angel bursts out. Her cheeks turn pink at what she just said. She wants to slap herself, but driving is currently more important, certainly since she's in Montreal.

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