Midnight Day 997 (2 Years Later)

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She slips in her car and drives off towards the city. The empty fields to each side of the road make her smile. She still hasn't gotten used to the peacefulness of the area.

The droplets of rain are splashing against the windshield as she nears the city. Why hadn't she gone in earlier with him?

She drives to the restaurant he instructed. After parking the car, she walks quickly into the building, for once not wanting the rain to ruin her makeup.

She took her time that night to do something nice with her makeup and outfit. She knew he was going to propose. If he hadn't, well it would be a waste of her time.

First, it was a nice candlelight dinner here. Afterwards they were going to the field behind their house to watch the stars. She didn't care where he proposed, just that he did.

Angelina spots Roger before he spots her. He stands once he finally notices her and pulls out her chair. With a thankful smile, she sits down and they order their drinks.

"You look beautiful, as always," Roger comments. Angel blushes as she hides her face in the menu. Her actions cause Roger to chuckle and look for his own meal.

Their dinner past by quickly and casually, like any couple's dinner would. They made small talk and talked about Angelina's upcoming project. She could feel the knot in her stomach growing with each passing second.

He wasn't the only one with news, she had some too. In her mind, his were better, but she knew he'd love her's.

They part ways once they leave the restaurant, each taking their own vehicle back home. The entire time, Angelina sings along to the radio. Her attempt to remove her mind from the matter at hand fails drastically.

Roger, on the other hand, is thinking over what he should say. He has a plan mapped out already.

He told Jamison to go to Quebec for the weekend so Angelina and he could have the house to themselves.

He's already set the blanket and fake candles up. The battery operated objects sat in small lanterns, lighting the rose petal path. He knew it was cheesy, but he still loved it.

On the blanket there was a small tray. Two mugs of hot chocolate and a bag of marshmallows awaited them.

He had to arrive first, so he took the quickest route, and even passed Angelina on the way there. He had a grin on his face as he parked his car and waited for her near the path down to the field.

Angel parks her car and notices Roger standing near the fence. She walks over to him, noticing the lanterns behind him. He takes her hand and leads her down the path.

He begins reciting what he had taken the month to memorize.

"Dear Angelina, while walking this path, think of our best memories. Are you thinking about our first meeting? You glared at me back then and I was a pervert. Are you thinking about that one time in that internet cafe? A few people thought we were weird, but that's just how we roll," Roger states. Angelina laughs lightly at the memories he's reminding her about.

"Are you thinking about when I didn't love the name Donut? Back then it didn't fit very well, but now the fat fur ball loves eating donuts. She's a cannibal," Roger exclaims. Angelina is taken over by a fit of giggles. Roger smiles proudly.

"Are you thinking of the night we confessed to each other? 'I may already love you,'" Roger says as he steals Angel's lips like he had back then. He can feel her smile through the kiss. "Are you thinking of the day we moved into the house behind us? Your eyes were wide and your mouth agape. You love this house and I'm happy you do."

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