Midnight (Two am) Day 2 [Part 2]

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She rolled over onto her side, silently cursing the idea. She rolls onto her back once again with a little sigh.

One reason behind why she can't get inspired when Roger has one of his brilliant ideas is because he may just flood her inbox with dozens of emails on possible plans and on his flight schedules.

She's never able to finish a painting when he's visiting, which just makes her want to finish it even more.

To say Roger was annoyed when Angel had finally arrived was an understatement. He was beyond pissed off. He was furious when she told him that they weren't about to randomly fly out to Hong Kong either. Roger decided to stay the month though, just to annoy the hell out of An.

Now that he's here though, she won't be getting any sleep.

Roger's loud snoring echoes around the room as she picks herself up off the floor. As she reaches down to pick up her pillow and blanket, the ding from her phone sounds. Roger is still peacefully sleeping as Angel crawls over him to grab her phone.

One email in Inbox

She lets out a small groan. Why would anyone she knows be emailing her? Plus Roger is already here, so it can't be him.

She slides off the bed and grabs her laptop. Her sleep deprived mind rejects sleep at this point. She wants hot chocolate. She needs hot chocolate.

The quiet mewls of Donut come from her bed in the corner when she's mewing in her sleep. Angelina lets out a quiet 'aww' and continues to her kitchen.

She plops down on the first stool she stubs her toe on. After carefully placing her laptop on the counter, she dances around the kitchen to the music playing quietly from her radio. She grabs the hot chocolate power, her favorite mug from Paris, and the cream.

The quiet tap of her fingers echoes in the kitchen as An waits for the water to boil. She stands when it comes close, so Roger doesn't wake up and is madder than before.

The bright light from her laptop blind her momentarily as she dims the screen as low as it goes. The ding from her laptop signaling mail sounds quietly. She scrolls through her Inbox, deleting the emails from Roger first, before she begins reading whatever none sense was sent to her at two am.

Two unread emails remain once she's completed her task. Both of them are from Alfred. She ponders over which to open first.

She chooses the newer one.

                Dear Angelina,

Is it inappropriate to still be emailing you?

Knowing you, you haven't read the first one from me yet, but are going to do that next. Well that's a good thing I guess.

I first would like to suggest you change your email password, since I logged onto yours. (Sorry, not sorry) I just wanted to know if you've read the first one from me.

I want you to understand that our break up wasn't your fault. It was mine. Entirely mine. I couldn't have dodged this subject forever, so I'm going to tell you before you read the first email.

I lied about the ten year thing and no family policy. Neither exists. I am staying here though because they do need me.

It is after all a partnership between the first owner and me now. He offered me half the company!

I'm really excited about that, but that's not the main thing I lied about. You'll read about that in the next email. You still haven't Microsoft or some writing program, right?

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