Noon Day 997 (2 Years Later)

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She awoke with a start. The world around her was blindingly bright as she opened her eyes. She didn't know where she was.

Angelina blocks the sun from her eyes with her hand as she looks around her. She's still in her dress from last night and she's outside on a blanket. Angel can't help but to start laughing at the moment.

Roger slowly opens his eyes beside her. He glances at her for a second then lies back down, too tired to deal with this stuff in the morning.

Angel swings her arms up under her head as she enjoys the warmth of the morning sunlight. A smile overtakes her face as Roger's arms wrap around her waist. She snuggles into his chest and simply stays there.

Bees buzz around them and the wind blows softly. It ruffles Angelina's hair that is spread out around her.

Roger's nose twitches as the hair tickles his face. His hand comes up to move the hair away, but it doesn't work. The hair still flows freely.

Angelina sits up and stretches her arms out, a smile still gracing her features. Roger groggily sits up beside her and they stare at the open field in front of them.

Birds fly over their heads. Angelina watch as they fly past, wishing she was one of them. She glances at Roger; no she doesn't wish she was one of them.

She's happy where she is right now. Roger is too. He can't stop smiling, even if his eyes are drooping from his tiredness.

She smiles over at him. Her eyes drop down to her left hand, the ring sparkles in the sunlight. Roger smiles down at her left hand as well.

"I love you," Angelina whispers as she kisses him. Smiles are on both of their faces.


He sways around the room with the toddler in his arms. The child slowly falls asleep with each move. The man's eyes begin drooping as well.

The toddler's eyes finally close and his breathing slows. "Finally asleep I see," the man whispers, as he sets the child in a cot.

Alfred shuffles out of the room and leaves the door open behind him. He continues to the kitchen and pulls out his favorite mug.

He fills it with water and heats the liquid up in the microwave as usual. He stops it before the beeping starts, not wanting to wake his family.

He hums a quiet tune to himself as he sways around the kitchen, collecting the hot chocolate powder and the cream. He pours in approximate amounts and plops down on a stool. The mug sits on the counter in front of him.

Quiet snoring fills the house, coming from Angelo and Kisha. Alfred smiles at the sounds and picks his mug up.

He brings it to his lips and sips the hot liquid.

For once it's peaceful within his home. There is usually either Kisha's whining or Angelo's giggles. The toddler's giggles are bad, but after two hours of the sound, it gets annoying.

Alfred spins around on the stool. He wonders about what's happening in Montreal. He allows himself to wonder once the lights are out and he sits in the dark, with a mug of hot chocolate. It has become a habit of his.

He sips the hot chocolate as he opens up his laptop that sat nearby. He opens his Facebook page and scrolls through his friends list. He finds Roger, Jamison, Ben, and even Angelina. He opens them on at a time, scrolling through the events that have happened over the past two years in their lives.

He smiles as he sees pictures with their happy faces.


He awakes with a groan. The white ceiling causes him to glance around the room. He's in a hotel. He tries to move his arm, but someone is holding onto it.

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