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"Please join me in welcoming these exchange students from Ilvanorny school in America. They have all already been privately sorted into Gryffindor." Dumbledore announced and everyone clapped.(A/N Teddy just made him self look like he was a 7th year and Victorie already looks like she could be one.)

We all walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down near the marauders and I sat beside Lily and across from James who was siting beside James.

"Hello, I'm Lily." She said extending her hand and I shook it with a smile. "That's James, Remus, Sirius, and Alice."

"Amy, and that's Jack. I really don't want to name the rest of them." I say.

"What year are you in?" James asked joining the conversation too as we all started eating.

"We are 17, so what year would that be?" James asked pretending to be clueless and it was actually kinda funny and smart.

"7th year, just like us." Sirius said also joining the conversation already bored of the other one her was in. "Why'd you move?"

"We were born here and visit every summer but then one day my dad got this letter for Dumbledore that said he needed his help for something so we came here right away." James lied.

"So you guy are related?" Remus asked.

"No. Our dads are friends and he got the same letter." James answered. He looked at me with mischief in his eyes and I knew exactly what was going to happen. The next thing he spoke was really fast. "Also she's my girlfriend."

I picked up the book beside me, which just so happened to be Lily's and a hardcover, and hit him in the head with it. "Stop telling people that, we are not dating."

Sirius, Alice, and Remus all bursted out laughing. "Hey Prongsie, he looks and acts just like you."

Dinner ended soon after that and they showed us where the Gryffindor common room is. James, Teddy, and Fred have their own room created for them. Lorcan, Lysander, Albus, and Scorpius share a room. And Vitorie, Maisie, Rose, Lily, and I share a room.

The next few days have really just been hanging out with the Marauders, Lily and Alice, going to class, and doing homework. We barely even put thought into the fact that we were in a different time line until Saturday we got called into Dumbledore's office.

"I have found out how to contact your families." Dumbledore told us when we entered.

"Really?" Lily said excitedly. Dumbledore pressed a button on this weird object and a portal looking thing opened up and we could see Harry, Ginny, George, Angelina, Luna, Rolf, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Astroria, Bill, Fleur, mom, and dad at the Potter mansion. I could see Maisie's face visibly fall when she saw neither of her parents were their so Albus and Scorpius but their arm around her shoulders which made her smile a little.

"Where are you!" Ginny yelled when she noticed it.

"Hogwarts. 1977." Rose answered weakly.

"James, Fred, what did you do!" Ginny yelled.

"Why'd you think we did it?" James and Fred whined in unison.

"Because it's always you two." Angelina said.

"Also because it kinda was you." Victorie said and we explained for a second time what happened.

"James! You are grounded for the rest of your life!" Ginny yelled.

"You will be joining him in the grounding Fred!" Angelina yelled and James and Fred looked down at their feet. Their mothers seemed to be the only two that Fred and James cared about if they got in trouble with.

"Now that that's over." Harry said "Are you all Okay?"

"Ya." Lily, Albus, Teddy and James said.

"Are you both okay?" Luna asked and Lysander and Lorcan answered yes.

"Alice?" Dad asked.

"Fine dad."

"Victorie?" Fleur asked.


"Are you alright Rose?" Hermione asked.

"I'm alright."

"What about you?" Draco asked.

"I'm good." Scorpius answered.

"Maisie, what about you honey?" Astroria asked.

"Just fine." Maisie answered smile a little more.

"We'll find a way to get you back." Ron said.

"Stay safe." Ginny said.

"And out of trouble." Hermione added.

"Or don't." George said and Angelina hit him in the head.

"Don't listen to him." She said. It disappeared and I turned around to see Alice, Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus in the doorway looking confused.

"Teddy, Vic, turn." I said and they both did seeing them too.

"Ms Evans, Mr Potter, Mr Black, Mr Lupin, and Ms Prewett. What would you like?" Dumbledore asked.

"You asked us to come to your office and Slughorn let us in." Alice explained.

"There is no point trying to hide it, you already know." Dumbledore said. "You can not tell anyone and we will have to obliviate you when they are sent back to their own time. You all may go now."

All of us left in silence following Teddy and instead of going to the Gryffindor common room we were heading towards the Room of Requirement. He walked three times back and forth and the room opened. We all entered and sat on one of the couches. I looked around and realized James wasn't here.

The Time Turner Incident Where stories live. Discover now