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James ii

"Where's Lily and Alice?" I ask walking into the great hall for dinner and sitting down beside Fred.

"Their right here Jack." Fred said pointing towards the two girls sitting across from him and I pretend that's who I was looking for because of the others around us.

"Thanks Felix." I tell him then turn towards the girls. "Have you two seen Amy or Lola at all today?"

"I thought you were ignoring Amy." Lily said not answering my question and I look down sheepishly.

"No we haven't though, they were spending the day together because Al- I mean Amy was confused about something." Alice explained. What could that be about?

"What was she confused about." Fred asked voicing my thoughts but before they could answer I cut them off.

"It doesn't matter. I haven't seen either of them at all today." I said extremely worried gaining the attention of all the people who know who we really are.

"We have to go tell Dumbledore." Remus told us and we all agreed. All of us followed Maisie to were we thought was going to be Dumbledores office, but that's not where she was leading us to. Instead she lead us to the Room of Requirement. When we were all in the room and sitting down she finally spoke.

"I think I know where they are but your not going to like it." She told us pacing back and forth.

"It can't be that bad." Lysander said but one look at her face he immediately took it back "Right?"

"Well you see, I was walking around when I saw Bellatrix and some other girl with her walking around Hogwarts so I'm assuming they took her." Maisie said and I paled and sunk deeper into my chair.

Oh no. Their probably with Voldemort now. What if he kills them? What if he torchers them? Bloody hell they better not even touch my Alice. But she's not mine, she probably hates me. What was she confused about so that she needed Lily's help?

"James?!" Teddy called pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Ya." I answer as I run my hand through my messy hair.

"We've been calling your name for the past minute." Victorie told me and I blushed from embarrassment.

"Sorry, didn't hear ya?" I tell them.

"Don't worry mini Prongs, James did that every time he thought about Lily. Although we eventually stoped trying to get his attention when he did that." Sirius told me making James, Lily, and me all blush.

"I didn't do that." James defended himself.

"You did mate." Remus told him.

"Guys focus, we need to get them and find them both." Lysander said.

"Ya." Albus agreed. "Dose anyone know where they might be?"

We all looked at each other and it was obvious no one knew. We told Dumbledore who contacted our parents and we all spent days and nights on end looking for anything that could help us find where Alice and Lily are.

Oh my god a boys POV!!! Gasp! (Imagine me actually saying the word gasp) I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Please comment I'm bored. I'm not kidding please comment it's more fun that way.

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