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James ii

As we sneak into the Malfoy manner I hear Alice scream in pain. I desperately want to run down there and help her but I also desperately want us all to come out here alive. The more that came the more likely it was that we would get caught, but if we did we wouldn't want to be out numbered too much. So the people that we brung were James, Sirius, Remus, Albus, Lily, Scorpius, Maisie and me. Scorpius knows the place inside and out because he lives there and Maisie does too because she spent most her life there. James, Sirius, Remus, Albus and Lily are all really good at duelling. I had to come because it was Lily and Alice, also I'm a really good dueller.

"Alice?" I heard Lily asked as we neared the door.

"Ya?" Alice answers sounding in pain. 

"Why do you keep protecting me? I can handle it." Lily says. What does she mean protecting her. Bloody hell, what did they do?

"I just, I don't know, I feel like your family. Like I'm your older sister and it's my job to protect you when your real siblings can't." Alice answers and I smile knowing how happy Lily probably is because she's always wanted a sister.

"I feel like your family too. And plus. Soon enough you are going to be family." Lily answers. What does she mean by that.

"All we have to do is walk down the stairs and we are there." Scorpius tells us and I nod back.

"I don't think so." Alice tell her sounding... sad? She does like Albus then "Talking about that. When we get out of here we really have to start on our plan about getting Albus and Maisie together."

"Yes. But only if we get out of here." Lily says emphasizing 'if'. Scorpius opened the door and we walked in.

"What do you mean if." Sirius whispered loud enough for the two girls to hear but quiet enough so that we don't get caught. I walk up to Lily and unlock her chains using alohamora and as she bring her arms down by her sides I look over to Alice who looks utterly exhausted and has her arms now by her sides and rubbing her wrists.

"James." Lily whispered to me and I turn my attention towards her again, but still half focused on Alice, as she stands up. "Go help her. She needs it."

I nod a little nervous for the first time. I, James Sirius Potter, am not nervous never have been and never will. But why is my heart in my throat, my palms sweaty, and butterflies in my stomach. Bloody hell I am nervous, what has she done to me?

"Alice?" I ask hesitantly and she looks up at me in response with a hint of pain flashing through her eyes. "Want some help up?"

"Ya, I guess." Alice quietly answers and I help her to her feet with her in obvious pain although she's trying very hard to make it go unnoticed.

"Let me help." I tell Alice walking beside her as she limps closer to the door.

"I'm fine." She answered refusing my help but I ignored her answer. I grab her arm closest to me and put I around my neck holding onto her hand so she can't move it. I'll never admit the real reason is that I just want to hold her hand.

We get up the stairs and run into a slight problem. Five death eaters are surrounding us but luckily none of them have seen us yet. We all grab ahold of someone younger so we can apparate. Lily takes Lily, James takes Albus, Sirius takes Scorpius, Remus takes Maisie, and I take Alice. Yes she can apparate, but do you really think that she's in good enough health to do that. Lily mouths 3,2,1 and we all spin on the spot thinking Hogsmeade. There's a loud pop and we all apparate to hogsmeade where the rest are waiting for us. From there we take our brooms and fly to the hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfry," Lysander and Locarn yell at the same time as we put each of them on the beds "Amy and Lola are hurt."

She ushers us all out of the room so she can take a better look at the two of them. They are going to be ok. No. They are going to be ok. Right?

"James?" Fred asks and I look up at him signalling I'm listening. "Lily will be fine."

"She's not the one I'm worried about." I tell him sadly. It might sound mean but from what I overheard Lily should be fine, but Alice I'm not so sure about.

"Alice will be fine too." He says reassuringly but I don't fully believe him and I don't think he does either. "Just tell her how you feel mate."

"Ya, I'll do it when she's better." I agree feeling confident but still really nervous.

"James! Fred!" Vic calls "Dumbledore said he knows how to get us back to our own time."

"What?!" We say excitedly at the same time.

"Ya. He wants us in his office right away." Teddy assures us.

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