"One of them gon' want me just watch." Jr answered. We entered Shark Bites and took our seats then waited for someone to come and take our order. My heart started beating a little fast as Cash took a seat beside me. I was nervous but couldn't let it show. At least I couldn't right now.

Cash's POV

Atlantis was pretty dope. I had never been outside the country before and so far I was loving it. Chaz  sent Jr, Quez, and I a text telling us to go meet with some of his plugs before they left the islands. I really wanted to take a break from the dope boy life and enjoy my damn weekend in Atlantis. Hit up the pool. Hit up some stores. Get to know Crystal a little more. I knew she had had a rough life growing up. I just didn't what she had been through. I had been threw some rough shit as well so maybe if I open up to her she would open up to me.

Lunch was straight other than Crystal barely saying two words. I didn't know why she didn't say anything. On the plane she seemed all cool but now she was acting all shy. Before we could go meet up with the plugs, Jr had to figure out the route to get there. That was the only thing Jr was good for. Everything else he was useless. I sometimes hated being around him. All he did was play, sing, and rap. I used to go off on his ass but now I was use to the shit. We all finished up at the table before leaving out.

"Look we got some business to take care of so we'll meet up with y'all at the pool later," Quez said to Saige and Crystal.

"Business? What kind of business?" Saige questioned with an attitude as she put her left hand on her hip. Quez put his arms around her and walked off with her explaining to her what was going on. I knew they had something going. Their asses weren't slick.That's why they had got the two bedroom penthouse suite instead of the three bedroom. I noticed that Crystal was looking at me but looked down at the ground when I had looked at her back. I didn't know what that was all about but I was going to find out later. 

*later that evening*

We met up with Saige and Crystal after we got done with business. The pool was full of beautiful ladies but none of them had anything on Crystal. She had on a tropical two pieced bathing suite with her hair in a messy bun. I noticed that she had tattoo on her shoulder that went to her neck. It looked something like cheetah spots. I couldn't help but stare at her as she got out the pool. She stood about 5'5. Beautiful light skin. Pink plump lips and green eyes. Normally she would be the one to look away first but this time was different. I've never been nervous around a girl but she made me feel different. Saige and Quez dipped out and went somewhere private. "Well shid since them two motherfucka's wanna go be all lovey dovey and shit, lets go find some females." Jr said to me but I turned him down. I didn't want Crystal to be at the suite by herself so Jr and G left us and went to the other pools. Crystal and I walked back to the suite together and it was complete silence. I didn't know what to say to her and I didn't want to say anything dumb so I didn't say shit at all. "I'm gonna go take a shower and change into some night clothes." Crystal said before she walked to her room. I took a quick shower then threw on a pair of navy Polo Ralph Lauren pajama pants with white horses covered on it and a white Polo Ralph Lauren v-neck shirt with a navy horse on it. I just laid in the bed and got on twitter while listening to music.

Crystal's POV

Tell me what you say now
Tell me what you say?
You said that you would come again
You (said) that we would remain friends but
You know that I do not depend on
Nothing or no one
So why would you show up
So uninvited then
Just change my mind like that

Please don't take this personal
But you ain't shit
And you weren't special
Til I made you so
You better act like you know
That I've been through worse than you
I just can't keep running away
(But I don't.....)

"Are you in your feelings right now cause if so I'll just go back to my room?" I asked as I walked inside of Cash's room.

"Nah. Umm...I was just singing whatever popped up on my Pandora station you know?" Cash responded.

"Oh okay," I laughed. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to want a movie with me?"

"Yea. I'm bored as fuck anyways." He answered while getting out of the bed. He followed me to the living room. I sat on one end of the couch as he sat on the other end. I really didn't get close to boys because I was afraid of getting hurt. I wanted to get to know Cash more but I had my guards up with him. I didn't fully trust him even though Chaz did. We began talking as previews were playing. I was amazed at how much Cash and I had in common. We both liked watching basketball. We didn't trust many people. We basically kept to ourselves. We liked the same rappers, same foods, and tv shows. It was like he was another me. Then he got personal. "Tell me about your childhood," He said. "Look I don't know you like that to be telling you my childhood. That's very personal for me." I said getting a bit defensive. "Alright well let's get to the movie then." I didn't want to shut him down like that but I didn't feel comfortable with telling him about my childhood. Maybe one day if we get that close I would tell him but right now is wasn't going to happen.

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