Chapter 1

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Chihiro P.O.V

It has been a month since she began her new life here in the spirit world and as she discovered, adapting to her new life had been harder than she thought it would. She had no choice but to remain dormant inside her forest as she found that she is unable to maintain her energy for long. Haku explained to her that it was probably because she hadn't properly connected or gotten used to her new body yet, the longer she remains dormant and connected the better...but just how long must she stay like this for?

Although she can sense her precious river spirit nearby since his river flows just outside of her forest she can't help but miss him, he used to visit her and meet up with her, but when he figured out that his interrupting was probably what was causing her to not connect properly he suggested that they stay away from each other for a while, just until she was confident enough to maintain herself, she should have known that he would be strict with her training. However she knows he means well, she can tell how worried he gets for her through the bond, besides, they always had the bond to check up on each other and could always talk that way, but even though it stopped her from being lonely most of the time, it was a far cry from actually physically being with him, however she knows he is just trying to help in any way possible.

She sighs as she finally brings her focus back to the parts of her forest that needed maintenance, she was getting rather good at it, it was almost second nature to her now. However, every time she tries to fix things the depressing vibe and depressed spirits due to the loss of their former forest spirit made it difficult to maintain for long. She hadn't met any of them yet, even on the rare occasion when she is out and about, not one of them showed themselves to her, even though they know that I know they are there.

Her best guess was that they were still grieving for the loss of their former forest spirit Ivy, the woman that sacrificed herself so that she and Haku could be happy...She wouldn't be surprised if all the spirits that her new home inhabited blamed her, or even be afraid of her from having been originally human. However, this just cannot go on anymore, she wants to be able to fit in, she wants them to stop rejecting her existence and accept her, perhaps hopefully be friends with her. There has to be something she can do to make that a reality...

Suddenly, an idea graces her mind with its presence an idea that should have been implemented ages ago, not only would it help the spirits in her forest it will also be good for Haku. In all honesty, the fact that she hadn't thought of it until now makes her feel like a horrible person, she must seem so disrespectful...She then makes the decision to disconnect from her anchor and emerges out of dormancy and out into her lush green forest, now back in her human-like spirit form. She wore a light rose pink kimono that stopped just above the knees with a green obi that matched the green intricate forest like patterns on her kimono, it was Haku's gift for her for her new birthday, so he calls it.

She delves into the bond to see if he was indeed in his river and of course there he was hunting for fish, she sends him her presence notifying him of her wish to see him. She needed to speak to Haku about her plan, she needed his help for she didn't quite understand how spirit funerals worked or if they even have funerals. She needs to show everyone that despite being a total ice queen sometimes she is still a good person, that she cares. She isn't perfect and she clearly isn't Ivy...but she needed to show them that she was worthy of Ivy's old title, worthy of their trust, then maybe just maybe they will accept her.

~20 minutes later~

She makes her way to the bank of her precious Haku's river effortlessly as she had easily memorised most of her forest already. However, she saw that he wasn't sitting in his usual spot yet. She delves into the bond to see that he was still very distracted.

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