A New Chapter

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Three days have gone by since our wedding, and yet I've not seen Manik even once since the night he stormed out of the car.

During the second day, I realized that I possess no way to contact Manik, other than his phone number. That, however, is useless right now as he refuses to answer any of my calls. I don't even know where else to look for him, or who else to contact. This realization also led me to understand just how little I know about the man.

Contrary to what I thought before our wedding, Manik and I aren't close at all. In fact, one could even categorize us as mere acquaintances. Such thoughts lead me to believe that marrying him was one of the biggest mistakes I could've made.

After all, decisions made in haste and impulsiveness are never meant to give positive results.

The night the driver brought me to Manik's house, putting aside all my stress and worries, I came in awe of his house. Calling it a house is an insult because this place is definitely a mansion.

Upon entering through the grand gates, one's eyes immediately fall upon a ceramic fountain in the middle of the driveway. A baby angel spews out water from the top of the fountain into its main bowl.

To the left side of this structure spans a spacious garden, which wraps around till the back of the house, where it stops only to be met by a rectangular pool. The tiles at the base of the pool are placed together in such a manner that they portray a guitar.

The interior of the house has three floors: a basement, the first and second floor. Manik's room is located at the second floor, with a balcony which overlooks the poolside, and has a pool of its own, along with a jacuzzi.

As far as I can tell, his room is the most spacious one out of all the six rooms in this house. It has its very own living room, mini bar and walk-in-closet, which leads into a bathroom which is the size of my old room.

The night I arrived here, Sateesh - Manik's cook - was going to place my belongings in my husband's room. However, after the reaction I received in the car, moving into Manik's room seemed like I was doing something wrong. As if I was breaching his privacy and willingly poking the Devil even further.

Therefore, I asked Sateesh about the extra rooms in this house. Turns out that the room right beside Manik's is unused, and so I got my stuff taken in there. It's a beautiful room, with a walk-in-closet, bathroom and square balcony. In fact this room is more than enough to keep me happy. If only the one who owns it was with me.

"Ma'am, I've washed all of the new glasses and put them to dry," Sateesh says, stepping into the lounge.

"Great, thank you. I'll handle the rest on my own," I tell him, gathering up the discarded styrofoam. "You can rest for the night now."

He smiles, giving me a polite nod. I'm ever grateful to this man for helping me for the past three days.

On my first day in here, I realized that Manik's house is just a house, and not a warm home. That's why to eradicate my boredom, I've been putting in my level best efforts to bring about a homely feel to this place.

But considering how huge this place is, every minor change takes a ton of energy from my end.

"Now for the kitchen," I murmur to myself, taking hold of the cutlery trays and standing up.


After three hours, I'm finally done unpacking the crockery and cutlery that I brought with, setting it up in properly allocatted places - unlike what Manik had done with his - and rearranging all the other items in the kitchen.

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