Take 16 - Marie Antoinette, they said - ACTION!

Start from the beginning

Ro asked to me, with a bit of apprehension in his tone, "Excuse me, Ms. Augustine but what is a GPC room and who are the Faustus students?" So, this was his worry? This guy is definitely not normal.

Am I kidding myself? Of course, he is not normal! Duh.

 "GPC stands for 'Government People Coming' and 'Faustus students' are nothing but some unnecessary-added stuffs, so ignore that. That is there just to distract those government people if they are, by chance, somewhere near hearing the announcement," I explained to, not only Ro, but also to Amelia, Natal and Brandon. We were walking speedily through the corridors to reach our classroom.

"But Ms. Augustine, they could have just announced that normally. To a certain extent, they could have, at least-"

"Look, Ro. We can never know whether they are actually already inside our school compound. So we gotta be very careful. Urgh, I have got no time for this. Quick get in to the classroom! They will be here in no time!" I whisper-shouted at him as I pushed him inside the classroom.

I quickly closed the door and gestured some signs to the teacher, which he could pretend to take some serious, complicated class. Hurriedly, I reached for my blazer in my locker-table and put them on. I placed the perfectly normal dark brown braided wig onto my head. Oh, where are my glasses?

"Why on Earth are you putting on a wig?" Brandon asked me as his eyebrows raised in astonishment.

I sighed while fixing my uniform, "Oh, Brandy, whose brain is not even quarter the size of a walnut, would you please shut up and go back to your place? Oh and once they come in, act polite and good, all right?"

He argued back as he opened his mouth but thankfully, Amelia stepped in and closed his mouth with her hands and drag him all the way till back. Thanks, Amel. I owe you one.

ൠ ൠ ൠ

"So, you are the Secretary of this class. What about the Leader?" The bespectacled granny asked to me.

I smiled at her and answered, "She's currently sick at home."

The granny frowned. "Well, then? There must be a temporary substitute." She took out a notepad from her bag and opened her pen cap. Shit, I know what she is going to write down!

"I beg your pardon, ma'am, but we do have an impermanent stand-in," I said, as I motioned towards....Dang, who should I choose? Oh right, the Alien should be able to do this! I gestured to the granny at him.

"Oh, so this is the temporary substitute? I see," She nodded as she placed back her pen cap.

"I am, Ms. Augustine?" He asked me. For Pete's sake, Ro, can't you just fucking follow with the circumstances here? Read the situation!

"He seems truly bemused," The granny raised her eyebrows at me. Oh, for fuck's sake, shut your trap already.

"He seems aloof at times, but he's pretty reliable, ma'am," I tried to argue politely. Well, I got to say something.

"Then, what do you think of Antoinette?" She asked me suddenly.

"Excuse me?" I asked. I mean, where did that came from? That was so unexpected.

Yep, I am definitely attracting weirdoes.

She stiffened her posture and then, asked me, "Marie Antoinette. Tell me what you think of her."

That was an order. Not even a request. How did Marie Antoinette pop into this investigation process anyway?

The word weird would be an understatement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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