''Gotcha!'' I muttered, had a quick glance in the rearview mirror.

Somebody fidgeted in my window. He bend his face towards my direction so I could see him clearly.

''Hey,'' I say and pulled down the window.

''I think you missed something,'' Jasper said.

He suddenly got in the car, and he just looked at me.

''What are you doing? get out of the car, '' I said reluctantly.

'' Nuh,'' He shook his head. '' Murry told me you needed my help. So that's why I'm here.

''He really do such this cranky things. He thought of me as brainless kid!'' I raised an eyebrow.

''We should be there before your mom could go home.'' He added.

Catherine is in the hospital for her check-up with Murry, and I know they will going home late. So end up deciding to took him at our house. I know he won't stop because of dad.

''So what are going to do?'' He say with his charming eyes, and widened smile.

I went straight to the kitchen, and prepare mushroom soup and a pasta. But I didn't know that he does know how to bake. He put the aprons, and the powder of flour scattered all over his faces and arms.

I tasted the sauce while I'm getting the pasta till it's cooked in the stove. After we prepared the food. Jasper spooned me to taste his mango pie and I adorably nod.

''Does it taste good?'' He asked.

''Yes. How did you learned all of this?'' I say.

''My mom used to teach me in the kitchen. She said I have to learn for myself because they are not there for life.'' He explained.

''So let's talk about being Mr. Independent, Mr. Price.'' I say, and the moment I saw the twinkling in his eyes. The captivating of his charms. I feel that I am deaf from any sound. I just feel my heart pounding. He just stares at me.

From the fleeting moment. I must say Jasper is the only guy I know that won't change himself just to impress everyone. But it such a crush in my situation which makes me uncomfortable. I left the trance of my imaginations and went away instead.

''I just take a shower.'' I say awkwardly.

I get that. However, when others are aware of the issue it helps so much. Then I can get space without anyone being offended and return with relationships still healthy. In this mode I have to take great care not to damage bonds of love, the relationships and people who are everything to my heart and soul.

But being loved is a sensation to embrace, yet if you have never felt the real thing before it can scary. Anything new can be this way. It is a step onto a new path, the ground feels different, the air has a new aroma, and the music you feel within begin to change. Love will change you. Love will life you higher if it is the real deal.

That push and pull, the longing to be near, the deep passion and declarations of love, soon followed by fear and paranoia, it is a pain upon our loving bond. To love me and then show distrust, it tears and rips at my soul. And so, this on again-off again aspect to our relationship is the only thing that could force me to leave you. So I beg of you to expel the ghosts of your past and see me as I truly am - as one who loves you so very deeply.

I got out of the room I caught up with Jasper who was staring somewhere. When he felt that I was behind him. He stared at a canvas portrait. A painting. He stared at the name at the bottom of the painting and uttered it.

HER HERO: Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now