POBACW #6 : Hate Thy Repetition

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#6 Hate Thy Repetition:

That, which, or, and, but, however, therefore, moreover and so on. I love these words and hate them with equal measure (ugh!) because no matter how hard I try to avoid using them I end up doing just that. It’s so damn frustration >-< ! And let’s not forget the yours truly ASAP. I hate it when others use it in their story lol! And I hate myself for using it as well. It’s annoying and makes me think there is something seriously wrong with my head, and the words get repeated because I lack in vocabulary.

I think that is part of the reason, but mostly then not, you can’t replace these words without making the sentence sound weird (way too weird :P)

I love writing lengthy sentences (which is actually bad. You should always try using shorter sentence if you aim to go the traditional way ^-^). Because I can’t break down the sentences, I immediately add those horrid (and loving lol!) words in between, to connect the dots. Its also the fact that I might…might be a tad bit lazy to go around searching for better words to use instead of these few, because I simply don’t have enough time *sighs and shakes* yes, you heard it. Having a job, struggling to complete a course, AND trying to rush through 19 stories…well you know what that makes me right? That word that starts with ‘P’ …you know the one we use as a replacement for maniacs. You don’t know? hmm…I will tell you ^-^ *whispers loudly* I am a bit psychotic up there yanno. That is the only explanation I have for the million ideas that flood my brain. lol!

Okay…so back to the main topic. Which other words do you think fit the list? Which words do you tend to repeat even though you wished you could avoid them at all costs?

Post your thoughts in the comments section below, I would love to hear from you'll :P !!

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