Stiring up trouble

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[This chapter is short and Im sorry for that. At least it's somthing though right?]

Fai returned home he found that Kurogane had been working fast. The wall between apartments had been cleared away and the man was now fixing up their son's old bed.

"Shouldn't we just get a new bed for him?"

Kurogane didn't even glance up at him as he replied,

"The matris is still good, the frame was bent but easily fixed."

"Ah alright." Fai said with a smile. Silence reigned for two minutes before Kurogane finished his work and stood to face the blond.

"What did you do?" There was a tone of annoyance in his voice. Fai shrugged with a smile that looked a little nervous.

"I...may have toppled one of our enemies earlier then expected."

"I thought we agreed to share?!" Kurogane shouted. Fai held his hands up in an attempt to calm him.

"All I did was help an army of children set themselves free from who I'm assuming is a high rank person."

Kurogane frowned and crossed his arms.

"That's all you did? Rescue a shit ton of kids?"



"I may have brought two of them home with me."

Fai pointed behind himself and Kurogane glanced over and saw two boys. One looked to be Naruto's age but with pale skin and flat black hair. The older one, who was holding the younger kids hand, had silver hair. Kurogane looked back at Fai,

"What are we supposed to do with them?"

"I'm not sure, they just sort of...followed me...home?"

Kurogane groaned as he covered his eyes with his hand. The kids watched them both talk as if nothing that was said really bothered them. Faces nearly empty of emotion aside from a twitch of a lip. They were nervous and the swordsman didn't blame them.

"You realize this means I have even more work to make the apartment bigger right?"

The smile Fai gave him was blinding, why did he have to go along with his antics?


When Syaoran returned he was confused at the sight before him. Kurogane was off grumbling as he torn down another wall while Fai was at the table with two kids. The blond turned and happily greeted him,

"Welcome home! Boy's this is Syaoran, Syaoran these are Shin-"
Fai waved toward the white haired boy;
"And Sai." Then waved the black haired boy.

"They followed me home so we're keeping them."

Syaoran could hear Kurogane grumbling in the background as the boys bowed their heads at him slightly.

Life will never be boring with, Syaoran thought to himself as went over to help Kurogane with his building.

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