Happy Reunion

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"We're almost there!" Mokona shouted as they walked towards what looked like a large gate. Kurogane's hand remained on his sword and Syaoran was tense. Syaoran was worried that they would have to fight their way out. New worlds were always dangerous but knowing that something was wrong made him all the more nervous. Fai stared at the open gate, looming large in the distance, with a blank expression. His magic swirled just under his skin, ready to strike if needed.
As they got closer they saw two guards sitting lazily beside the gate. One appeared to be asleep and the other did not even look up from his book as they passed through.
Luckily their large tan cloaks hid their odd clothing from view so none of the people paid them any mind.

Mokona's eyes blew wide and he shouted,
"He's here! He's coming towards us YAY!"

Fai's head snapped around as he desperately searched the crowd, who were now looking at Mokona with confusion, for his child.
He could feel strong magic coming closer to them and he clutched onto Kurogane's arm.

From the crowd a small child ran out and skidded to a stop. With his hands on his nees he was bowed over panting from his run.

Kurogane heard Fai's sharp inhale of air and looked at the boy.
Black spikey hair and tanned skin like himself. However when the boy looked up Kurogane saw bright blue eyes, Fai's eyes.

"Naruto..." Fai whispered the name like a prayer.

Naruto in turn looked at them with eyes that began to water with tears.

"M-mom? Dad?"

The desperate hope in his voice broke their hearts. Fai dropped to his knees and Naruto ran toward them and tackled the blond in a tight hug.
The dam broke and the two began to weep. Naruto burying his face into his mothers shoulder as Fai began to cover his head with kisses and apologies.

After a few seconds Kurogane bent down and wrapped the two of them in a hug. One hand, the mechanical one, resting on Fai's shoulder. His human hand sat atop his son's head. The child and the magician leaned into him and welcomed him into the hug.

Syaoran watched it all with watery eyes and a smile. Mokona muttering about the beauty of the reunion. The people around them stared in complete shock. Naruto, wasn't he blond before?, actually had a family?!

Reality settled into the smarter ones in the area and they were filled with horror. The fox child whom they'd abused had a family. A family that was extremely powerful, the ninja's in the area could sense.

They saw the raven haired man look up at them all with red eyes blazing with rage and realized...

They were fucked.


Kurogane stared at the fools watching them with gaping mouths. One swing of his sword and he could obliterate them, but fortunately for them he had other priorities.

"Come on, let's go somewhere private."

Naruto, his son...he had a son, looked up and smiled as he wiped his tears away.

"We can go to my apartment."

Why the fuck does his kid have an apartment? Who was raising him?

Kurogane nodded as he stood up, Fai followed him as he to wiped his eyes. Fai lifted Naruto up, the boy sqweeling in suprised delight, holding him close.

"Lead the way sweetheart." Fai said.

So the group left, following the directions of a smiling seven year old.


Sarutobi didn't flinch as his anbu appeared before him. He cut them off before they could speak.

"Do not engage them, It is likely that Naruto will bring them to me in time. We will test to be sure he really is their child."

"Lord Hokage what will we do if he is? If we loose the fox we loose what power we have over the other nations." One of them spoke, Sarutobi held in a scoff, he had not advocated the decision over Naruto back then.

"I'm not a sensory ninja and even I know that just one of those three people have enough power to wipe us off the map. Do you really want to piss them off?"


Once they arrived at the apartment the group looked at the state of the small home. There was very little personal items around it seemed. The place seemed to be falling apart.

Fai was reluctant to set his son down again. So instead he looked at his boy with a genuine smile and began to speak.

"Alright sweetheart, before we all start with the serious talk I want to introduce you to everyone."

He turned to the brunette,
"This is Syaoran, he travelled along with us while we tried to save his princess from a terrible man."

Syaoran smiled as he greeted the child.

"The same one the king hid me from?" Naruto asked. Fai nodded his head before pointing to the hyper white ball of fluff.

"This is Mokona, he is the one that can travel between worlds and is how we get around."

Mokona jumped up and down happily shouting out his happiness at meeting him. Fai faced Kurogane and his smile softened a bit more.

"This, as you probably guessed, is your father Kurogane. He is the most powerful swordsmen in his country."

Kurogane smiled at Naruto and gave his head a gentle pat. Naruto looked back at his bearer as the blond continued.

"I am Fai, it wasn't always my name but that's another, longer story. I am a magician and your mother."

Syaoran took Mokona out into another room to give the family some privacy. Fai set his son down on the half broken couch before siting beside him.

"I'm so sorry that you spent all this time here without us. I didn't know...you see...I thought you were dead sweetheart."

To his surprise Naruto simply nodds with a smile.
"I know, Kurama-sensei told me. He said that the king got sick and a bad guy might use me so I got sent here. He said when the bad guy was dead you'd come get me."

Naruto's eyes begin to water.
"I...I didn't know both of you would come...I knew mom was coming but...but I didn't know you and dad were coming together."

Kurogane was the one that spoke up.

"Until a little while ago I wasn't sure your mom...was the same person I met. Apparently there are people in every world with the same face as others."

Naruto nodded as the man continued,
"Also...I didn't know about you. Now that I do know..."

Kurogane rested his hand on Naruto's head again as he looked so sincere.

"We'll be a family, if you can deal with the talking puff ball in there." Jabbing his thumb toward where Syaoran and Mokona had gone to. Naruto giggled as he heard Mokona shouting back at him. He didn't pay attention to the worlds though. He was much to happy about having a real family.

As the three continued to talk with one another, getting Naruto's side of the story, the other two listened at the door.
As they heard the boy's tales of abuse, neglect, and of only have his teacher the voice in his head as company they knew what was likely to happen.

"This place is going to burn to the ground." Syaoran whispered with a voice filled with disgust.

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