Crenny: broken halo

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This is a sad one. I Sanyo see where my minds go a take me on this one.

Warning subject and mentions of suicide...if you can't Handle then don't read any further

If you have sucidal thoughts or ever exprinced something close to it please talk or call someone. You may not realize it or Care but you really do matter 


Kenny's  prov + alittle thrid person here as there

Today's his 18 birthday

He's finally an adult...happy birthday Tucker. 

A 17 year old Kenny was staring emotionless in front of his lovers grave. He was deep in thought. Everything happened so quickly.

He was trying to figure out where it all went wrong.

We were so happy.....i was so were so happy.

A tear feel down the poor blondes face 

If only i was there when you need me most....if only you told me what they were doing to you.....i could've...w..we could've.

Kenny had dropped to his knees in the snow. The frost made his lips numb. But he didn't care. He was numb. His hear was numb. Everything Keene for the past year now felt  numb. Those assholes weren't even sorry. Kenny just kneeled there emotionally. He fell over anencephaly closed his eyes.

They were Stan, Cartman, and Kyle. When Kenny and Craig came out to everyone things were good but not for long. Kenny was shunned for his group of so called friends. They hated him and craig, Kenya was as hurt but he joined Craig and his friends. Craig's group was always there for them when every Stan and his group tried to mess with him. The bullying got worse and worse. What were mere jabs turned into slurs . And what we're just verbal insults turned into physicals attacks. But Kenny and Craig stayed strong. But for Craig he couldn't take it.

Kenny thought everything was fine.It was never fine. Craig was NEVER fine. Craig couldn't take much more so. He killed himself. He and Kenny were watching a movie at his house when Craig said he was going to get a blanket. After a long time Kenny got worried and went to go friend Craig. He opened Craig's room and saw something he would never forget. Craig was hanging from his fan in his room.kenny tried everything to wake him up while 911 was on thier way. But it was too late.he was only 17.Everyone in South Park was shocked. Now Kenny deal with the burning image of his boyfriend hanging. Kenny was never the same after that. He barely went to school. He stop hanging with token and the other. But they come around to try and get him out of his funk.Craig's mom took him in and understood he need time to grieve. 

Now here he was at his lovers grave a year later. 

" i love you" Kenny uttered and passed out in the freezing cold.

The end.


YOOOOO I'm not okay that was intense hope you l8ked it 

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