(requested)Scott x Butters :The stick of truth PART 1

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*wow im proud of this.......ass is used alot in this 

Paladin Butters sighed as he watched Scott on the watch tower of Kupa Keep.

He yearned for  the rangers lips and his touch and something else....(hehe)

But he knew that wouldn't happen. But little did he know, as Butters went back to guard the 

stick of truth the Scott had been looking at him also. Scott had love butters since they day he 

meet him. he thought butters looked really smexy on in that cape. He wanted to make butters 

his but he didn't know how. He was afraid princess Kenny would get to him freest. But Scott 

would find a way. That  butter-tastic ass had Scott's name written all over him!

Butters signed in the fotress and watch the stick , wishing scotts was up his ass. 

Butters need Scott to be his before anyone else could. Butters would device and plan.

 both boys were brought of their lewd thoughts when they heared the elves were coming.

it was time for battle. But they both had a plan......TO BE CONTUINED HAHAHHA


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