Update: I'm mad at myself right now

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Your probably like " why does she say this shit" well i trust and love y'all nuggies + and i want y'all to know I'm human and i want all y'all to know i love y'all and that if i can talk to you, you can always talk to me ( I'm so southern it hurts i said y'all like 4 times XD )

I'm fucking embrassed and never been so disappointed and stupid ( lol I'm always gonna do stupid shit so scratch that. I'm actually blind and stupid. I almost messed up a request on top of i almost posted or already did and unpublished a barely made request. I need to get my shit together and stop working on shit at 12:56 in the morning. Well after crying from almost utter embarrassment and almost ruining one of  my perfect wonderful nuggies dreams. I finally stopped and decided to chill out and write....first you'll, get cartmsn x Kenny cuz that's easiest and like to do the light work then get heavy ( if that makes any fucking since) well love ya and I'm sorry 

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