(Requested)Bradley x butters part 2

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Finally part 2! 

Enjoy my nugs 


Butters prov 

"Oh shit.....oh hamburgers.....Bradley is kissing me........oh gosh golly gee!" Was all i could think.

He pulled away slightly smirking as a gave a disapproving grunt. 

"Wait....did i....like the kiss....so am i gay now? ( you bet your buttery ass you are!)

I was lost in thought until Bradley laughed bring me out of my head and back to reality .

"Your so cute" Bradley whisper so only i could hear. The pink blush dusted on my cheeks got redder at his statement 

"Well gosh Bradley thanks" i said softly.

"I would advise taking your "little friend" to the bathroom too" Bradley said with a little chuckle. 

With that i was now redder than Kyle does Jewfro ( his fro is so cute! He shouldn't be embarrassed about ☹️)

"Butter I've loved you for a while....i hope we can be boyfriends" Bradley said getting shy having pink brush his cheeks.

"I...i love you too" i said. 

"Maybe being gay wouldn't be that bad at all" 

"Really?!well...meet me at starks pound tomorrow we can have are officially first date! Oh and take care of your..."Tent"......i hope I'm the cause of that."Bradley smirked and  excitedly kissed me on my cheek. I giggled and he ran offf to class. 

The rest of the day me and Bradley spent the whole Seay getting to know each other. I could tell a beautiful love was growing right i front of are very own eyes.



I KINDA LOVE THE CUTE VIBE LATELY. I'm trying to grow from all the smut. Nothing beats a good old smut but fluff here and there doesn't hurt. Lol hope you enjoyed! 3 OR 4 MORE CHAPTERS TOO GO!!

South park smut 2.0*I ACCIDENTAL DELETED SOUTH PARK SMUT!*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें