Untitled Part 56

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guies please vote and comment do shower ur love on this chappy please but before i start i want to thanks to my readers who supported me and through their comments encouraged me and thanks to all those people who votes on the previous chapter

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Dr came inside the ward and then everyone left manan alone with  the baby 

dr - so how r u feeling nandini ?

nan - best 

dr smiles 

dr - so nandini from now till 40 days u have to take proper rest proper rest means bed rest except handling ur baby dont do any work You will feel exhausted after childbirth. To add to the hardships, your clock will never match the babies! They need to be fed and changed every three to four hours, so you can forget about eight hours of beauty sleep. Sleep when the baby sleeps

  see you are  a new mother's body is weak for the first couple of weeks. Don't miss the doctor's appointment to check stitches and cuts. If you experience fever, shivering, dizziness, pain, or discomfort, consult a doctor immediately. You need to be more careful because u are  case of a C-section

see dont do any type of dieting eat the food which is good in protiens and vitamins and calcium cause the things which u will eat the protien hat u will take the baby have the same as u are breastfeeding 

see manik  a new mom is prone to infections that can pass on to the baby and also slow down the mother's healing process. Pay special attention to hygiene – wash hands often, rinse your breasts after breastfeeding, and follow visitor's hygiene because the mother and baby can pick up infections from visitors so u just made sure no  one touches the baby without using the sanitizer 

manik nods in yes and then dr continues 

see nandini  you will be losing accumulated during pregnancy, which will make you urinate more often for a few weeks. To prevent that drink lot of water and u drinking that ajwain water u can continue that 

nandini nods in yes 

dr - so now we will come on baby's care 

dr -  see u have to feed him in every 2 hours sometimes he willl not wake by himself but u have to put that effort cause he is a pre mature baby and he need more care than normal kids 

nandini and manik both nods in understanding 

dr - see if u hold ur baby  all the time and get their need for touch well-met in their first year do not become clingy and overly dependent. They cry much less and they grow to become happier so u can hold him and pamper him a lot 

nandini laughs little 

ma - i can't hold him ??? means only nandini can hold him for  long time ??

dr - no mr malhotra u can also hold him ur baby also recognise ur touch he can feel u so dont worry 

manik nod in yes 

dr - see nandini u can make him sleep on ur chest because he will get more comfortable sleep there  cause Before the is born, a baby spends nine months in his mother's womb and therefore instinctively recognizes that he is most safe close to his mom. Researchers are now pointing out that it is best for newborns to sleep with their mothers as separation from mothers leads to anxiety and stress in the infants.

ma - so means he cant get a peaceful sleep on my chest 

dr - mr malhotra i said na ur baby recognise ur touch in some cases baby does not recognise their father's touch due to lack of communication but here he knows ur touch he was with u more than an hour before nandini get conscious so u can also make him sleep on ur chest 

ma - hush my hardwork did not get waste !

dr - what hard work ??

ma - oh i practised for 5 months to make a baby sleep on ur chest 

dr looks him shockingly while he gave him a small silly smile 

dr - and nandini dont exert ur self eat lost of dryfruits and dont let water touch that belt of urs

dr - and nandini dont exert ur self eat lost of dryfruits and dont let water touch that belt of urs

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ma - which belt ??

nan - manik i am wearing a belt inside that is due to stiches 

ma - oh

dr - yaa dont remove the belt till 8 days when u will come for ur next visit i will check the stiches and tie some other belt that u have to again wear for 8 days then u can remove that 

nan - okay 

dr - wear gowns like dresses cause it will not create any pressure near ur stomach region 

nandini says okay 

dr - and yaa nandini dont leave ur baby alone cause new born get frighten easily so just make sure that 

ma - okay 

dr - and nandini pls continue ur medicines for 8 days then when u will come for check up i will change the prescription

see u will have lot of pain near ur abdomen i have prescribed a painkiller but take it when needed and maintain ur hygine cause i know u will get heavy menstrual so take care of ur self same like baby cause u both are delecate this time 

dr to ma -  manik pls made sure of her diet and everything cause mostly mothers health get destroyed during this time and ur wife is anemic also so pls made sure of her rest , sleep and diet and dont let her bend or stretch or to pick anything heavy she can only lift her baby not anyone else and other things also i know u must be planning for a welcome party of ur baby but i will suggest u to drop this for 40 days cause by that time the mother and baby both of them will be little healthy and mrs malhotra the nurse is coming she will help u to get change and in freshen up 

nandini nods in okay 

dr - and last but not the least how to breastfeed ur baby sit upright and place your baby on her side across your lap, facing you.Support your baby's head, back and bottom with your arm, then move her face near your breast.Brush her mouth or cheek with your nipple.When your baby begins to suck, make sure she takes enough of your nipple and areola in her mouth to properly latch on . Okay ??

nan - yes 

dr - and u can feed him by wearing a feeding appron or put some stole actually some baby's feel safe like that so u can and if u believe in all this evil's eye so u should cause the seen is really adorable 

nandini smiles fully and puts her hands on baby's head and carses her baby's head 

dr - so now i will take ur leave u can get discharge tomorrow

and then then dr left 

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