~S I X~

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Remember the days when you'd always sit underneath the small figured apple tree? Simply drawing pictures of inanimate objects, or listening to your favorite musicians.

Those were the days when your smile became a rare piece of art that was shown on special occasions.

Now that person has become me.

I have a similar black hoodie to the one you usually wore. I wear it really often now, sometimes pulling it pass my eyelids so my mouth and nose would only be visible.

I see you walk by me sometimes, sharing a small but unimpressed glance at me with Amelia.

I feel almost as if, we swapped personalities, or ways of living.

I always used to be that girl who didn't have much friends, but always had a bright smile plastered on my face. 

And you was the lonely boy that hardly talked, laughed, smiled, or communicated.

Kim Taehyung, can I have my life back?

I feel miserable. 

Don't you see I'm saddened?

I've noticed a few people spring into your life, such as a boy.

He seems nice, I heard he's the quarter back of the football team.

He's as tall as you with round doe-like eyes and thin full lips.

You three seem like best friends.

You, Jungkook, and Amelia. 

And well, I always used to be the girl that was forced upon you in a way that irritated you, right? 

As I'm writing this, I see you talking with Amelia, but you haven't got the same smile you usually have. Well, you haven't got a smile at all now that I think about it.

You look like you're about to cry.

Wait, you're crying.

Why are you crying? 

Why is she crying?

Kim Taehyung, I'm worried, please tell me why there's a flood tricking down your cheeks. 

Are you okay? 

But I'm going to stay right where I am.

Because, I choose to. 

Amelia • Kim Taehyung •Where stories live. Discover now