Chapter 37- The Knight's Version of Family Game Night

Start from the beginning

He takes a deep breath, slipping his arm off from around me, and gets up from off the couch. He grabs the card, chuckling at it, and shaking his head unbelieved, "This is stupid and so easy. Well, I don't know, you might not get it."

"Oh just try me!" I vindicated, sitting on the edge of the couch, prepared and ready to watch.

He chuckles, pointing to Bay to start the timer. He holds up two fingers, "Two words." Scott and I both shout, we gained a nod. He moves his hands in motion telling us it was a movie, "Film." He nodded again. He uses his fingers drawing in the air a simple looking home with a roof and a square, "Home!" We shout again. He nods smiling, sitting on the couch kicking back his feet. What? Hmm, uh. Home. Movie... OH! "HOME ALONE!" We roared standing up from our seats.

"Yes!" Asher nodded high-fiving his father.

"He drew in the air. You can't do that!" Kelly instigated, pointing to Asher.

"It says nothing about drawing in the air in the rules!" Scott defends.

"Yes it does-" Kelly argues.

"Show me this rule book and where it says it. Show me." Scott insists.

They searched through the games boxes looking through for the mini booklet. All the games were scattered around and mixed together. I pulled out my phone Googling: "Rules for Charades."

"Really?" Asher chuckles watching over my shoulder. I nod my head, searching through my phone intently.

"All right I'm settling this right now, Wiki is my friend and it says: 'the actor is allowed to make any gestures other than blatantly spelling out the word. In more stringent sets of rules, indicating anything about the form of the phrase is prohibited, even the number of words, so that only the meaning may be acted out.'

"See! Nothing about drawing. Don't start making up rules to your connivance, Kelly." Scott chuckles calmly.

"Let me see that phone." Kelly insists scrolling through the whole Wiki page to make sure I was tell the truth, "Let's leave this out in case Scott tries to cheat again." She says, shaking her head and leaving the phone on the table.

"Can we play another game?" Shay complains, looking through the other pile of games around the coffee table.

"No! It's my turn!" Bay says worriedly, thinking we'd change the game as she looks pleadingly to her mother.

"Yes, it's Bay's turn. Lets play one more round." Kelly nods to Shay. She sighs, slumping back on the couch with a long tired yawn.

"Sure why not. Even if you get the point you won't win." Scott banters with his wife. She rolls her eyes mockingly at him.

"Scott we play to have fun, not to win." Kelly reminds him. Scott rolls his eye at her, we all knew Scott played to win, no matter what. That's where Asher got his competitive side from, always playing to win.

As Bay picks up a card studding it a bit I leaned into Asher's ear whispering, "You are so much like your dad."

"Am not." He frowns shaking his head.

"Yeah you are." I said determinedly not changing my mind about it.

He rolls his eyes shaking his head at me, still not buying it up. Bay nods her head, ready, as we flipped the timer over. She held up one finger," One word." She nods, motioning her hands for movie, "Movie." She nods, pointing to her palm indicating 'and', putting her hands together like she was praying then opening them up, "Book." Another nod.

She grabs the sides of her pants twirling around, pretending to dance, "Ballerina!" Shay shouts out. She shook her head continuing. She took off one sock running, then dropping it as she took off and pretended to scrub the floors, Asher could tell I was about to explode since I was bouncing on the couch once again. So before I could ruin it he clamped his hand over my mouth chuckling. "CINDERELLA!" the two girl shouted at the same time.

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