Chapter 24- Riptide

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Chapter 24- Riptide

Asher's POV

Monday mornings were the worst, especially when it's dark and gloomy out and all there is to it is snow falling from the clouds. Then all day you're stuck with that feeling that you should have just stay in bed and play video games all day. Instead, I strolled into third period calculous class with Ty as he babbles on about God knows what. I stop listening after we stopped talking about Kimmy.

Jerk, yeah, I know but I couldn't really deal with Ty talking about Spencer and Kimmy together. I still hate the fact that they're together. I've been saying I love you to her for the last six years and do you think she's ever had that same thought planted into her head? No! She still thinks that I'm her best friend or something.

I wonder if she ever felt this way about me when I was with other girls. Probably not, it is Kimmy we're talking about here. If she doesn't think about me that way then I'm sure she doesn't care who I'm with. But still, this doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying. Maybe somehow she just doesn't know it yet.

"Hey dude did you hear a word I just said?" Ty complains nudging me back to reality.

"Yeah, of course." I utter taking a seat in class.

"So where do you think we should go on our double date?" Ty asks with a secret smirk on his face. The word date alone just had me exhausted and it hadn't even happened yet. Maybe it's the weather.

"Who do you think you're doubling with?" I ask slouching back in my chair with an eye brow raised. After what I heard happen at Ty's house I doubt Kate would give Ty another chance for a date. Pretty sure he blew that first impression.

"No one idiot! I wasn't talking about double dates, but you would know if you were listening." Ty shouts, punching me in the shoulder. I guess I deserved it, but I still gave him a death glare for it.

Looking over to the door way a substitute walked in, Mr. Emerson. He's an old grouchy man that everyone hates. He flipped out on me for forgetting my pencil to gym class one freshman year. Gym class! Pencil! Cranking much? I despise him honestly; he's so bi-polar too. Once second he's yelling at you to sit down and shut up- his exact words- and the next he's giving you some crappy old advice about revaluation and how the world is changing and crap. I don't get him. At all.

"You know what Kimmy told me yesterday before I left her house?" I begin to tell him.

He rolls his eyes, and knowing him for as long as I have I know he's getting sick of the Kim topic, but I still wouldn't be dropping it any time soon, "What? She fucked my step- brother. Please, I don't want to hear it." He said, shaking his head and not letting me continue until I was being taken seriously that it wasn't what I wanted to tell him.

"You're brother said the three magical words to her." I said quietly with a frown, and a deep groan as Mr. Emerson started passing out papers. Kill me.

"Let's have sex. Dude, I said I didn't want to hear it!" He groans, punching me in the shoulder again when Emerson wasn't looking.

"Cut the fuck out with punching me." I hiss, punching him back. "I told you that wasn't it, you dipshit." I sigh, shaking my head. I roll my eyes aggravated as Mr. Emerson delivered the paper personally to me. His half bald head with only spots of white hair was shinier than usual, not that I couldn't noticed since it blinded me. His little circle wired rimmed glasses were pushed until the end of his nose as his misty gray eyes watched down on me, "I suppose you will be doing this paper Mr. Knight and not be a disturbance to the class or to me."

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