Chapter 2

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Star stared at the marble statue in front of her, confused to why it was there. She shook her head and focused on finding someone to help her find a home, and possibly a friend. She looked around and spotted a brown-haired boy sitting alone looking lonesome. His red hoodie covered his face completely but, that didn't mind the young blonde girl at all.

"Hi there!" She greeted, startling the young boy.

He looked around him to see if she was talking to someone else but, saw no one, except the blonde girl.

"Me?" He asked, pointing to himself.

"Yep!" Star cheerfully answered.

He was very confused, almost no one would ever talk to the so-known "Safe Kid" as, that's what most kids in his school would call him. But, he had never seen this girl before and maybe she just moved in or possibly just needs help getting around. He'd probably teach her the ways of getting around the bullies and the ways of the school. But, after that, he was sure he'd be forgotten all over again.

"Ummm...Hello?" Star asked waving her hand over his eyes, catching the boy's attention.

"Oh, um, sorry." The boy apologised nervously.

"That's right! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Star Butterfly!" She cheerful exclaimed, flailing her arms in the air for a dramatic effect.

"Oh, um I'm Marco, Marco Diaz," the boy replied staring at the ground sheepishly.

"Nice to meet you! Marco!" Star greeted as she gave him a toothy grin and a hand to shake.

Marco sighed and turned away from her outstretched hand.

"I know what you want from me," he quietly whispered.

"What do you mean?" The blonde girl questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"I know that you just want to use me to become popular and know your way around school and then you'll forget about me..." He replied, his face turned away from her's.

Star paused.

"Don't try to say it's not true," He added after she opened her mouth to reply.

She sighed.

"I don't want to use you for popularity. I want to be your friend. I've been so lonely for so many years, I really just want to remember how it feels like to have a friend again." She replied, a more solemn tone coming into place.

He looked at her forlorn eyes, seeing truth hidden in her pale blue eyes.

"Don't you have other friends?" he asked staring at her now dull eyes.

"Well I used to but..." She trailed off, trying to remember who she knew before.

"Oh yeah! I had a friend named... Ummm..." She tapped her chin, deep in thought.

"Ponyhead! And Tom! And Moon was my mom and River was my dad and Marco-" Star exclaimed, gasping as she realized what it meant.

"M-me?" Marco asked, surprised.

"Yes! I used to be friends with you!" She exclaimed, her enthusiasm coming back to her.

"B-but I've never met you."

"Ummm... Maybe this is a different timeline then..." She said, wonder dulling her excitement.

He said nothing as she paced back and forth, deep in thought.

"I used to live on Mewni...I was a princess there.....I got a wand on my fourteenth birthday...." She muttered to herself, trying to remember the memories she used to have.

"And Marco..."

He shot up at the sound of his name.

"He- er, you, we're my best friend."

Marco scratched his head in confusion.

"O-kay, so in this other timeline I was your friend-"

"Best friend," Star corrected.

"Right, best friend, and you were a princess from another dimension, your parents were River and Moon..." Marco recited trying to piece together the information.

"Well, Ponyhead and Tom were my friends too but other than that, it's all correct!" She exclaimed with a grin.

"Huh." Was all he could say.

"I think couldn't see them after I was...shot out of time? I think that's what Omnitraxus said?...and I've just been so lonely for so many years...." She replied, the solemn tone coming back again.

The boy stared at the ground dumbfounded by the plethora of information.

"So...will you be my friend?"

He stared at her out stretched hand once again.

He hesitated, then shook her hand with a half smile.


Whoops I wanted to make a longer chapter for this but I just couldn't and this seemed like a good time to stop so sorry for the short chapter!! ^^;;

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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