Chapter 1

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*this chapter is old as heck so sorry if it's terrible

The blonde princess fell to the ground with a thud, her energy was long gone from the horrifying battle. Toffee smirked as he saw his chance to finally destroy this princess once and for all. He grabbed what once was the princess's wand and muttered a spell he once learned from a Butterfly just like her.

"NO!!!!!!!!!" Moon yelled as she ran frantically trying to reach her daughter before the spell hit her, but it was far too late....

The gray fog engulfed her as she became stone. Moon fell to her knees and touched her cold, what once was skin and cried.

"Don't worry this pain is only temporary, it's not all over yet." Toffee said nonchalantly as a bright light broke the stone and exploded in front of them.

"Uhhh....." Star groaned as she put her hand in front of eyes covering the light blinding her.

"Where am I?" She asked as she uncovered her eyes.

She looked at her surroundings, and saw father time jogging on the wheel of time.

"Oh, hey Father Time!" Star called, but he kept jogging and seemed like he didn't notice her at all.

"Father Time?" Star called again, but he, once again, didn't notice.

"FATHER TIME?!" Star shouted but, still failed to gain his attention.

She ran over to him and put her hand on his shoulder hopeful he would finally notice her. But, he still kept on running. Star puzzledly looked at herself and noticed she was covered in a pale hue; like a ghost. She freaked out and frantically yelled at Father Time to help her but, it was helpless...

She later realised she could easily fly and explore the universe and decided to calm herself down by doing that.

"Awwwwwwwwwww!!!! Marco! Look at these ADORABLE puppies!!!" Star shouted in excitement, only to realise she wasn't with Marco anymore. Tears threatened to well up into her eyes but, she fought back, blocking herself from her sad thoughts. The years went by slowly and painfully but, she remained the same figure she always was...just....lonelier. She fought with boredom several times until she finally surrendered and let boredom takeover her.

After a few centuries, she finally met someone who could see and hear her; Omnitraxus Prime.

She sat in the time dimension and gazed at the sky just like another day. Her once bubbly blue eyes became a dull ocean blue after the many years. A creature that had a head that looked like a skull and body that reminded her of the universe appeared and saw her, puzzled why she was there.

"Ummm...hello?" The creature asked as Star slowly turned her head to him. Star jumped up with excitement as she ran toward him at full speed and tried to tackle him into a hug but just went into him instead.

"Whoa...where am I?" Star asked as she floated in space, gazing at the many crystals near her.

"Ummm...You're inside me..." the creature responded, as he walked toward her.

"I'm so happy someone can finally see me!!!!!!!I've been stuck here for ages!!!Please help me get out of here!!!" Star excitedly exclaimed as she jumped up and down on a floating crysal.

"Well....I'll talk with Glossaryck first." The creature said filling Star's heart with hope.

Omnitraxus and Glossaryck talked quietly as Star excitedly waited. She thought about how she might be able to see her family and friends again and how all of this would stop and how she would finally be accompanied.

"Well, I think I know what happened to you." Glossaryck said calmly as he approached the hopeful princess.

"Really?! YAY!!!!" Star excitedly exclaimed as her eyes lit up.

"Now, calm down, and we can get things settled down." Glossaryck said calmly.

"Okay!" Star said, trying her best to contain her excitement.

"You see, I believe you were shot by the Stone Separating spell. So that means you once were a living thing and then you got shot and boom! Now you're here." Glossaryck explained.

" is there a way to go back to my home and friends and-" Star was cut off when Glossaryck suddenly sighed.

"I'm afraid not..." Glossaryck said as Star's hopeful heart broke into a million pieces, causing her once happy expression to disappear.

She held back her tears as she walked away slowly.

"Thank you anyways..." She managed to say through her sniffs and overwhelming tears.

Glossaryck saw how desperate and hopeless she was and thought for a solution.

"Wait. I think there might be a way for you to see your friend again." Glossaryck said as hope returned to Star's heart.

Star ran over with wide eyes and a hopeful heart.

"Really?" She asked genuinely.

"I believe so..." Glossaryck said unconfidently.

"Okay, what's the deal?" Star asked with a smile she had long forgotten to show.

"We can let you see one of your friends but, not your family. And this will only be able to last for a year in their dimension. Lastly, after that year your physical body will be broken into a million pieces, like stone, and you'll be lost in the abyss of time and space." Glossaryck explained once again.

Star's shocked face became frozen after the last sentence.

"So...I get lost in the abyss of time and space afterwards?" Star asked.

"Yes." Glossaryck and Omnitraxus said in unison.

Star thought for a moment, was it really worth it?

Did company have a price this high?

Was she dreaming?

Was boredom just trying to torture her?

She cleared her thoughts and made up her mind, "Deal," She agreed.

"Alright" Glossaryck and Omnitraxus replied.

"One last thing, you can't break this deal afterwards" Omnitraxus says.

"Ok!" Star said confidently and happily.

Glossaryck and Omnitraxus closed their eyes and concentrated on the spell in the book. Suddenly, a burst of a bright light consumed Star.

"Uhh, where am I?" Star asked to herself as she found herself in a very busy city. Many people pushed past her as she tried to find someone to help her.

"Umm, excuse me? Oh, pardon me, sorry," Star apologized as she finally got out of the crowd and saw a statue that looked like her......

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