Chapter Nine

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After our little conversation Klaus left me alone in this room. I had plenty time to collect myself and to think. One thing I know for sure, that Klaus Mikelson can't be trusted.

He even has daggered his own family. His own blood and flesh. Who could I possibly be to be higher in this heart of his ,if it exists, than his family.

I have to get out of here. I saw the knife lying down on the floor. I stretched my legs so I would be able to catch it. Ughh!! I almost have it. But it's a little further than I can stretch. I pushed myself to stretch even further. Aaaand.... I GOT IT!! Yahh. Thank god! I'll be a better person from now on. Now I have to get it to one of my hands. I bented my knees and turn my hip so the handle of the knife would be a little closer ro my right hand. I stretched my hand towards the knife and finally I had a grib on it. Ohh... I let out a breath of relief. Now I just have to move my arm back and forth so the rope will be cut. I bented my hand this time and started diagonally cutting the rope. Damn this rope was thicc. Seriously it was like the knife did no damage to it. I tried to rock my hand harder, considering the fact that it was wrapped around me really tightly, which was really hard. It felt like it was made out of steel. I could feel my desperation to leave this disgusting place.

Now that I started this I must finish. If Klaus got to know what I was attempting to do I would be as good as dead.

Little by little the threads of the rope started coming apart and in what felt like a thousand years I was able to escape from the tight hold that this bastard rope had on me.

As I was starting to stand up I only then realized how sore my body is from sitting in this wooden chair for hours, most probably. Slowly but eventually I stood up. I stretched my legs and arms preparing myself for everything that would come. With small little steps I headed towards the big dark oak door. I grabbed the handle and slooowly turned it hoping that I didn't alarm whoever was on the other side. The door gradually opened. I was faced with a rather cold feeling hallway. It's not that the temperature was low but that the house felt abandoned. It was a shame that such a beautiful house was treated this way. Back to the point.

Little by little I started moving trying to find a way out of this house. As time passed and I entered random rooms I seemed to gain confidence and it was evident in my movements. I started walking faster not paying so much attention to my surrounding. I was walking through a corridor which led me to a living room, at least it seemed like one from my point of view. As I was getting closer I noticed the girl- What was her name again? Gloria? Grace?? OH GRETA! Now I remember. Because of my ignorance I didn't notice her. She was talking to her phone.

"No, you need to wait love. Don't worry the next full moon is close."She said to someone and it seemed like she was talking about her sexual life? Oh hell no! I'm outta here. Don't wanna hear her talking about the nastyy. You kno what I mean. The naaaaasty. Oh nevermind.

As I turned around I knocked over a vase. I could feel the cold sweat running down my face. I tried my best to catch it as everything around me was going on slow motion. And then- BANG- the vase shuttered when it came in contact with the wooden floor.

"What the hell was that?" Before Gloria or whatever is her name had the chance to say anything I was already out from a nearby window. Damn it is high. I might break something. But I didn't have a choice so I jumped. In the process I injured my right leg. I didn't care at the moment. The only thing that I cared about was to get the fuck out of that creepy place.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? WHERE ARE YOU GOING BITCH?" Her voice felt further and further as I run through the forest.

I run and run. As hours were passing and I was losing my hopes of finding civilization I saw a big blue sign in front of me. It was saying " WELCOME TO ATLANTA"

 It was saying " WELCOME TO ATLANTA"

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Atlanta huh!






Fun Fact I actually couldn't remember Greta's name so I had to read the previous chapter. That names that I wrote, instead of Greta, were the one that came to my mind at first trying to remember her actual name. XD

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!🌺🌺

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