Chapter - 10

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*~(Heyyy.... You should totally check out this video!!! Its amazing, and it always gives me chills..! Anyways hope you like this chapter..! This is my most favorite so far~cringe worthy ...)~*

After a long car ride we finally get to Mr. Kamski's house? Hank thought that he might have some information about the deviants that might be useful for the investigation's. Hank got out of the car leaving me and Connor in the car for a moment. I heard Connor speak up.

"(Y/n)?" He said closing his eyes.

"Hmm, Yes?"

"CyberLife wants you off the case, but I won't allow that."

"What?! Why??" I ask leaning over looking at him, the opens his eyes and looks back.

"They say that I'm getting too attach to you." Connor said hesitating, "Although, I don't think so. At least I-..."

"I'm sorry." I said quickly getting out the car. I knew that something like this would happen. I should've been more smart about things... Soon Connor followed I could see the distress in his face. All I wanted to do is to hug him and tell him that its okay, but I knew I couldn't. Hank finished whatever call he had.

"How'd you find this place anyway?" I asked.

"I just remembered this guy being everywhere on the news... So I made a few calls." Hank replies and we get to the door. Hank hits the door bell, I look around mostly at the view.

"The view is... Nice." Connor says out of the blue... I smile.

"Yeah, it is." A android opens the door and we all look at her. Hank is the first to answer.

"Hi... Uh... I'm lieutenant Anderson, and... Ah Investigator (L/n). Detroit police. We're here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski..."

"Please come in." She said. We all walked in looking around at how 'elegant' it was... She closed the door and looked at us, "I'll let Elijah know you're here. Please make yourselves conformable." With that she left I decide to look at a picture with him and a lady. Connor walks over and looks at it.

"Amanda..." He mutters and I look at him questioning. He then walks over to something else I then walk over to Hank.

"How are you (Y/n)?" He asks me, "I'm here if you need someone to talk too."

"Hmm... Yeah, maybe sometime, Hank."

"Connor, can be a handful. I know that..." I look over at the poor boy. I watch as he inspects everything with his innocent eyes, "When you didn't come on the case about the Eden Club. He couldn't stop talking about you the whole way there. I think he cares a lot,
(Y/n)." Hank grinned, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You think?" I asked and he nodded.

"You'd bet..." He said looking at Connor. He walks sitting down in the chair, turned and looked at the both of us. I laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked, I felt my whole face light up, "(Y/n), are you alright? You look a little red.."

"Awe, its nothing Con Con." I smile at him he grinned back.

"So you're calling me Con Con now? I thought it was just Con." I was about to respond, but the lady came back into the room...

"Elijah, will see you know." We all walked into the room and was greeted by a large swimming pool and two other female androids. I look to see Mr. Kamski on the other end, Hank calls out...

"Mr. Kamski?"

"Just a moment, please." He said and swam over enjoying whatever kind of water this was... I look to see Connor looking at him. I nudge him making him look at me, I wink. Connor eyes quickly lit up and I see a slight hit of red on his face. I quickly look away to hide my redness as well... I followed Hank to the other end Connor following beside me, at this moment I couldn't even look at him... Kamski climbed out grabbing a robe from his lady android and putting it on.

'Part of a Machine..?' // Detroit:Become Human \\Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang