Chapter - 5

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We where at the apartments in a matter of seconds, well at least it felt like it. Once the elevator stopped I was the first one out followed by Hank, "Hey Connor..? You ran outta batteries or what?" Hank asked stopping me I turned back around to see Connor still in the elevator.

"I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife."

"Ah..." There was a moment of awkward silence, "well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?"

"No! I'm coming." I smiled and Hank turned to walk down the hallway. I soon followed... Although, Connor was quite cute back there. Ugh! You can't fall in love with an android
(Y/n)! Silly me...

"What do we know about this guy?" Hank asked.

"Not much. Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody is supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap."

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops."

"Agreed, there's no way we'll always catch them all." I said getting into position.

"But we can try." Connor said grinning, he winked. I felt warm... Connor knocked on the door and looked to Hank which he just shrugged. He knocked again, but louder this time, "anybody home? Open up! Detroit police!" Just then we heard something almost like it fell, we back off from the door.

"Stay behind me." Hank said.

"Got it." We both said in sync and got behind lieutenant. He swiftly kicked the door opening it with a thud.  Hank went in and quickly looked around as Connor and I followed slowly. My gun was drawn. Coming to the last door Hank kicked it open to reveal pigeons flying out of the room.

"What the hell is this!?!" Hank said as we walked more into the room. Only if i knew it would be this bad...

"Well Mr.Crabs it looks like to me that the android has a problem with keeping way too many pets..?" I said grinning, Connor looked back at me confused.

"I was a Crab once." Connor said as I laughed, "Just kidding..."

"This place stinks..."

"Just like your drinking problem." I muttered, which surprised me since he didn't hear a thing.

"Uh, looks like we came for nothin', our mans gone..."

"It wouldn't hurt to have a look around." I said trying not to be freaked out by all the birds. I decided to go the the bathroom and see if I could find anything of use, "There's a LED thingy in here on the counter Connor. Is that android blood also?" I asked Connor came in and stood next to me smelling whatever was in the sink.

"Yes." He said looking at the 'rA9' writing on the wall, "Written 2,471 times."

"It's the same thing that the other android wrote at the other investigation we did." I said picking it up like a puzzle.

"Why are they obsessed with it?" Connor asked.

"Maybe its like a god to them?" I asked.

"Hm, Maybe." And walked out of the bathroom scanning everything in sight. He looked back at me and shrugged. He made his way over to the chair and got onto it. Just then the android we where looking for jumped down pushing Connor and started running. Connor got up and looked at Hank and back to the android

"What are you waiting for? Chase it!" Hank said. Connor went after it followed by me. The android pushed over a old shelving Connor jumped over it. I jumped in a sideways motion wall running for a second before landing and going out the fire exit. I was blinded for second from the sunlight but that didn't stop me. I jumped over some panels and onto the next roof that was used for farming at least I thought.

"Damn." I said running slower, But I still tried to catch up. Even jumping onto a machine was quite fun. And sliding down into a broken window! At this point I was walking and slowly made it to wear Connor jumped onto a train. I was greeted by Hank.

"Holy shit." He said and I took a moment to breathe.


"Here follow me I know away we can cut them off it'll be quicker." He said and we went off the the left going on buildings hoping to the next and next. After what seems a long time to me we stopped, "we should meet up with them here."

"Hopefully." I said ready. Just then the android popped out of the corn.

"Hey- Stop there!" Hank said aiming his gun although the android didn't stop. The android pushed him right off the building.

"Lieutenant!" I cried swinging over the ledge to grab his arm. Connor deiced to stop following the guy and help us.

"Shit! We had it! Damn!" Hank said standing.

"It's my fault. I should've been more faster."

"You'd have caught it if it wasn't for me..." Hank breathed, "It's alright. We know what it looks like, we'll find it."

"Agreed you did good." I said as Hank walked away.

"Hey Connor? N-nothin. Never mind.." He said then actually left. I was kinda sad he didn't say thanks...

"H-hey C-Connor Remember what we talked about? R-Right now would be a great time to catch me." I said falling forwards the last thing I remembered was seeing Connor's face call to Hank before blacking out... What a day huh..?

'Part of a Machine..?' // Detroit:Become Human \\Where stories live. Discover now