Chapter - 7

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~**Back to ya lovely POV (if something is looks incorrectly spelled its probably meant to be like that.. Hope you like it... Not too sure where I'm going with this!! This and the next one will be pretty short but after be prepared for a long one! I'm working on it!)**~

I woke possibly drunk on the floor a half hour later, "Should-d I go to the case? I bet they miss me..!" I slurred standing. I tried walking but the hallway looked so lonngg that I fell and hit my head on the table. So I deiced to crawl. After what seemed forever i made it the door and grabbed my phone texting Hank.

(Y/n): Hannkyyy..... I'll Be you're dad.\\

(Y/n): I mmeaan there./

I put my phone slowly away standing. I leaned against the wall opening the door, my cat ran out, "FLUFFY NOO-..." I called but everything looked sooo dizzy. I blacked out...

"Investigator (L/n)? Are you alright?" I look up to see a officer standing in front of me snapping his figures. I was suddenly at the crime scene? How did I get here?

"I-I'm... Could you tell Anderson to meet me in his car? I-I don't feel well." I said turning and walking to his car. I open the passenger and sit down with my head burning, "I'm bleeding..?" I whispered leaning over and groaning. I pull out my phone.

Hank: The fuck... You drunk?


I slightly laugh grabbing my head from the pain. I lean against the door shaking, have I been drugged?

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Hank said walking over to my side of the car. I look at him, "Shit, what happened?"

"I don't remember." I said standing shakily, "I feel s-scared." I hugged him and started crying. Hank always felt like a father to me...

"Whoa, its alright. Well go to your place, Ok-..."

"Not alone." I breathed out as I heard someone walk over. I started to hyperventilate.

"Breathe (Y/n). Breathe." Hank said looking behind me. I slightly turn to see Connor analyzing me.

"You look drugged, (Y/n)." He said walking closer, "If you don't mind I would like to investigate your apartment." I look at him still breathing heavily not sure what to say.

"Connor would you take a moment and think for a moment. You fuckin' android." Hank said grabbing my arm.

"I thought when letting those two androids escape. " Connor said in a determined voice walking closer as if he was mad. He stopped looking at me, "I'm sorry." He hugged me.

"Fine, but my head hurts like hell. I think I fell..?" I said hugging him back. I heard a little giggle escape his mouth, "Don't do that." I said sound slightly turned on even though i didn't mean too.



We get to my house and Fluffy is sitting on the porch protecting the house. I see the door wide open trying to remember what happened. Hank parked the car in my drive way, and went up the stairs him first since I didn't have my gun on me. On the way they told me about the homicide and how the android just wanted to be free with her girlfriend. Honestly I was glad that Connor let them go...

"Police!" Hank said walking in professionally as me and Connor walked normal.

"I'll check my bedroom." I said walking up the stairs Connor followed.

"I shall join you." We walked up the stairs and I opened my door to see files thrown around everywhere. I walk in seeing the files about my missing brother with blood on it. I pick it up.

"Little bro..." I hold myself just looking at his smiling picture.

"Authur (L/n), went missing in June 2028 at 17 years of age. Mother soon became ill and passed a year later." Connor said scanning it and then looking up with a shocked expression, "(Y/n) I'm sorry."

"I-It's fine." I said dropping the paper and walking out the door, "lets see if Hank found anything." We walk back down stairs and into my kitchen I see hank looking at something. I face becomes cold as I see what he's looking at. The writing says, 'Little bro had to go from how big sis acts, only if he could see her now'.

"Who the fuck would do this?" Hank asked looking at me. I see a in graved initial P.

"Could be anyone..." I said breathing out, "my room was a tornado seems they really like my brother, right?"

"I don't think you should stay here. It's too dangerous." Connor said watching my cat walk by.

"You can stay at my place. I have a spear room you can use." Hank looked at me then Connor.

"I'll report this now." Connor smiled at me and turned.

"Thank you, Connor." I said smiling. I go up stairs and pack a bag before heading down putting Fluffy in his cage, "Hank are you sure your dog won't freak out when it sees Fluffy here?"

"I think til' be fine..."

'Part of a Machine..?' // Detroit:Become Human \\Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora