Chapter - 2

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Hank is somewhat blaring some music that makes me question why I joined the force.... Anyway finally we get to the crime scene I look around seeing what we might be dealing with. He turns it off, parking he looks at Connor.

"You wait here. (Y/n) you're with me." Hank says pointing at Connor like a dog, "I won't be long."

"My instructions are to accompany you and
Miss. (L/n) to the crime scene. Lieutenant." Connor said looking somewhat sad.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck about your instructions." Hank said angrily, "I told you to wait here. So you shut the fuck up and you wait here." He gets out and shuts it.

"If I was you I would get out anyway." I said opening my door. As I start walking away I hear the door close. I turn and smile at Connor as he walks up next to me, "and you don't have to call me by my last name, (Y/n) is fine thank you."

"Thank you (Y/n)." He said walking together one we got to the police line the officer stopped him.

"Androids are not allowed beyond this point." He said stopping him. I was about to say something, but Lieutenant did.

"It's with me." Hank said looking at the both us as we walked towards him, "what part of staying in the car didn't you understand."

"(Y/n) said I could." He said grinning.

"Yep I thought he would be at use if I brought him." I said scratching the back of my head, "sorry Hank."

"Just don't let him touch anything!" Hank said and went off to talk to another investigator I slightly listen, but wasn't too into it. Bla bla guy dead found by neighbor... Nothing you wouldn't hear about these days.

"You alright, (Y/n)?" Connor said looking at me.

"It's been a long night..." I said looking walking into the house and smelling the deadness of the house. I stood close to the wall and looked at the body. Connor decided to look around scanning everything.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Hank said walking over to him.

"I'm analyzing the blood. Checking samples in real time. Sorry, I should've warned you." Connor said favoring Hank.

"That's cool! What else can you do? A Magic coin trick?" I asked smiling.

"Actually yes- I was programmed to-..." "Okay you two get back to work. And Connor don't do that again!" Hank said pointing at nothing and turning back around to hopefully collect evidence.

"You think the android could still be here?" I asked looking at the knife that Connor licked off of.

"Possibly I see some of the deviants blood. It's seems that there was signs of a struggle in the kitchen."

"With that baseball bat?" I said point to the evidence on the floor. I took note that the android and the man had a confrontation that led to the living room. I didn't know if I was onto something or not...

"Yes, it seems likely that he was attacking the android with the baseball bat. Then the android pulled the knife out and then attack him. Most likely leading to him death."

"I knew it!" I said happily grinning at him. He looked confused before looking away. We told Hank what we found and searched the house some more. I honestly thought 28 stab wounds weren't enough but eh whatever.

"Hank?" I asked walk up to him, "why was I brought into this you know I normally would never go into cases like these."

"Well, the android said that CyberLife wanted you to company us." Hank said looking at the dead body.

'Part of a Machine..?' // Detroit:Become Human \\Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon