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・゚: *・゚:*    *:・゚*:・゚

i watched her, look up with fear into her beautiful brown eyes. her friend, tina looked at her worryingly looking around to see what was happening.

i leaned farther into the tree, staring at my un-cracked phone screen waiting for her to reply.

where did you find me.

i can't tell, because you're very close with that person. and i don't wanna break your little bond with that person too.

she looked up and stared at me but quickly looked away to look at tina who sat there confused. she whispered into her ear and they quickly got up and started to walk away.

i crossed my arms and stared at they walked into the crowd of people.


it was later in the day, 6:00 pm to be exact. i sat in our cream colored room, laying on our comfy white fluffy sheets. i can smell lots of scents, but mostly her rose water scent.

her favorite perfume she loved to wear.

i got it for her 18th birthday, it wasn't much but i remember she was so love with the damn thing that she sprayed it everywhere. to the point she was depressed, that when she ran out she begged me to buy her more.

so i brought her more, and more until she was satisfied.

the employees at the store knew me so well, since i would go there to buy her the same old perfume.

"same one, mr.dolan?" the old man laughed. i nodded and sighed but still smiled a little, "yup same one, mr.deans it's her favorite and i always promised her to buy this one only."

the old man looked up and smiled, "well i'm glad that you found your dream girl. i hope she's making you happy no matter what." he settled the perfume into a nice paper decorated bag with their brand name onto it.

"of course she makes me happy, she's the most precious thing i've ever met. i could never hurt her at all."

i remember that sentence, knowing it was a huge lie.

i sighed and ran my hands throughout the covers, tracing the small details that scattered across. knocking me out of my thoughts my phone started to ring loudly.

the default ringtone blared loudly, making me roll my eyes heavily but surprised to see someone calling me. i grabbed it without looking at the caller ID.

"hello." i started.

i heard shuffling and then a quiet sigh.

"ethan, it's clementine."

"oh." i said speechless, "wow you're calling me, you're gonna run your ass back thinking everything is gonna be fine when you get home."

she groaned, imagining her rolling those pretty brown eyes.

"sure be mad at me, but i did the right thing i am happy to be free from you. but now i'm not free because somehow you found my fucking location so i have to move again!" she highly raised her voice.

this time i rolled my eyes, "like i said before think wisely and thoughtfully because i'll always be one step closer than you will ever be, little mamas"

the line went silent, i could hear her breathing quietly.

"ethan get the fuck away from me, you need help go get help please because this isn't who you was years ago. i remember you as a sweetest human being ever, but now you're this abusive piece of shit person. and i can't anymore". she let out.

i laughed and shrugged, "your little speech was cute and all but yeah that's not gonna do shit for me."

she inhaled heavily, probably biting her lips, "i literally regret even being with you. i don't know why it took me so long to leave you and finally leaving you. you end up finding me again." her voice cracked.

"and it makes me wanna call the police and report you in because i know damn will you won't because you will kill me." she finished.

i kept my emotionless face on, knowing not what else to say because she was right.

i'm a coward, i don't wanna face jail time of something i've been doing for so long. and my actual own girlfriend is horrified of me.

and it's setting me off, suddenly my mood changed drastically.

"i swear to god, clementine if you call the police you will be the first person, i'll butchered with my bare arms. and i'll get your lesbian lover too. and maybe your family will be next, after i broadcast your whole body on the internet." i sucked on my teeth.

"you're a sick person, ethan i hate you so much." she started to sniffle a littl.

"keep saying that my precious, it won't affect me." i laid down more comfortably, "watch your back at all times."

it was quiet again, then finally "okay." she shakily said, "i'll watch my back, if you can catch me."

i smirked, and nodded my head "yeah."

"and before i end this call, just know your little friend? yeah tina? yeah she's the one who called me and told me about you and your little whereabouts/plans. damn what a shame, i said too much. other than that, see you soon precious, daddy misses you."

after that,
the line went dead.


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