Chapter 3: Work Wine & Woes

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       Pushing all that to the side, I tried to clear my mind. I still had to go by the cleaners and pick up some suits that Rick was nagging me about and then go grocery shopping because I used the last of the bacon this morning.

        I rested my head against the steering wheel then sucked in 3 deep breaths before exhaling slowly. After I felt calmer. I started my car and headed towards the cleaners.

Rush hour traffic was a bitch.

        Basically bumper-to-bumper traffic the whole way to the cleaners and then to Stop & Shop. I pulled out my phone and dialed Rick's number, trying to see if he needed anything out the store but got his answering machine. The only thing I could do is shake my head, I was so used to his bullshit that I didn't actually expect him to answer. I wasn't even surprised when he broke his promise and didn't show up with dinner last night.

I went into the grocery store, pushing the cart down aisle after aisle, reading all the labels to everything that went in my cart. Part of it was reflex but another part was stalling. I hated sitting alone in that big house all evening.

I made my way over to the meat section looking for the kind of bacon my husband liked, when my cart collided with another person's. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going," I quickly apologized. I looked up past a broad muscular chest that was concealed in a fitted gray t-shirt- my mouth fell open.  I saw smooth dark skin, one tone Hershey's milk chocolate in the form of a tall strong black man. I took a step back and closed my mouth. This man was at least as tall as Rick-

My husband. Rick. I'm married.

I had to repeat that in my head because I was clearly drooling over a man I had no business drooling over. My eyes scanned his body once more before making their way back to his face. I noticed his full lips were moving but I didn't catch what he said.

"Huh?" I know I probably sounded dumb but control was becoming hard. He smiled at me showcasing his bright straight white teeth before his thick pink tongue came out and swiped across his full brown lips. I wondered if they tasted like chocolate.

"I said, I apologize as well; I wasn't watching either." I snapped out of my lust filled daze and cleared my suddenly dry throat.

"Oh uh yeah," I mentally slapped my forehead. "I'll just move out your way." I smiled shyly at him as I maneuvered my cart around his.

Damn he was fine.

I looked back for one last glance and caught him starring at me. He gave me another one of his libido increasing smiles, not seeming the least shamed to be caught watching me. I was so embarrassed I quickly turned around so I wouldn't bump into another handsome man. Luckily the candy aisle was approaching so I turned my cart up the lane, further distancing myself from Mr. Chocolate.   My body was going against my common sense as I felt my lower region heat up. I needed to calm down. Yes Mr. Chocolate was sexy but I'm married.

I was probably overreacting because it had been at least two months since I'd experienced any sexual attention and I had reached a new height of horniness. Seeing that fine ass man didn't help things at all.

*            *            *

After 5 trips back and forth between my car and the house I'd managed to bring in all the grocery and Rick's damn suits. I left his dry cleaning on the love seat in the living room; he could put his own shit away. Filling my arms up once more, I hauled all the groceries into the kitchen and put them where they belonged. I washed my hands and then took out some frozen corn and instant mash potatoes. I also took out the chicken breasts I had marinating in the refrigerator and put everything on the counter. I laid all the chicken in an aluminum pan then sprinkled some more spices on top before putting it in the oven. Since the chicken was cooking I left the kitchen and went into my bedroom to change. I knew I had some time before it would be ready.

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