Chapter 26: The Mile

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"What, you're not still pissed about that, are you?" Keith stared helplessly at Rena, who immediately scoffed and picked up her pace. "Okay, you're still pissed about that. Wait, Rena! Wait up!"


(Rena's POV)

"Rena, wait up!"

I just groaned, kicking myself inwardly. Why does he always have to be so damn persistent!?

When he caught up and started jogging with me side-by-side again, I just shot him a malevolent glare. "What do you want?"

Keith sighed, pitifully looking at me. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you, alright? I just really wanted you to go with me."

I clicked my tongue derisively as I stepped onto the bridge, jogging across the water that ran beneath it. "Why?"

Keith mulled it over for a second before quietly saying, "because there's really no one else I'd rather go with," to himself.

I was so shocked that I stumbled and tripped over an easily-avoidable rock, skinning my knee on the dirt path. "Ow!" I gritted my teeth, now on the ground with my messed up ponytail in front of my face.

"Holy... Rena!" Keith skidded to a halt, crouching down beside me. "Ouch... Are okay?" He eyed the scrape on my knee that was just now starting to bleed, cringing a little.

"It smarts, but I'll live." I gritted my teeth, more annoyed than I was in pain.

"Come on, I'll carry you back." Keith motioned to scoop me up in his arms, and I quickly stopped him.

"What are you doing!?" I held out my hands to push his arms away, glaring up at his red eyes.

Keith stared back down at me with a glare, annoyed with my stubbornness. "I'm picking you up. What does it look like I'm doing?"

I awkwardly stared at the floor, avoiding eye contact. "You don't always have to do that for me..."

"Of course I do, Blue Eyes." Keith effortlessly scooped me up in his arms despite my loud protests, staring down at me. "That's what friends are for."


Oh my god.

My eyes widened in horror while I stared into Keith's Ruby-red eyes, just now having something register in my brain. It kinda felt like something just...clicked.

...Rhythimi was right.

Flustered and not knowing how to react to this strange new feeling, I lightly punched Keith in the chest, putting up a fight. "Put me down, you ass!"

"HAH! No."

"Oh come on, just put me down already!"

"And let you go? Never."



(Third Person POV)

That night, back in Rena and Rhythimi's dorm...

Rena stood out on the balcony, and the bright laptop screen contrasted with the dark night sky sharply. She had borrowed Rhythimi's laptop to browse prom dresses online.

"Damn asshole..." Rena cursed herself, narrowing her eyes at the computer screen as she kept scrolling and looking for a dress to buy. "Why did I have to let a literal Prince Charming sweep me off my feet? Tch. Fucking emotions..."

Ring ring!

Rena stopped what she was doing and pulled the burner cell out of her pocket, quirking an eyebrow as she picked up the phone. "Ice? What do you want...?"

"Rena, I'm concerned about you." Ice sighed, starting to sound a little afraid for Rena. "Is everything okay with you?"

"I'm fine." Rena didn't give him a chance to say anything else. "And yes, I'm still going through with the job, so you can stop asking." She lied right to his face, not even hesitating.

Ice paused before taking in a deep breath. "Rena, you're my friend. You know you can tell me anything. Is something on your mind?"

"There's nothing to tell." Rena quickly hung up the phone, jamming it back into her pocket.

The brunette quietly listened to the background noise of Kricketots and Kricketunes chirping to the starry night sky, refocusing her attention back on the computer screen.

"Damn... If I'm not careful with how I go about this, I could end up like my father and get myself killed..."


Hehe ^-^ two updates in one day. I just love to spoil you guys.

Read, comment, vote, and enjoy!

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum