Renaissance (T)

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The headlines showed a bleak future for the entire world. Despite peaceful protest, Justin Bieber was elected as President of The United States Of America. Ash couldn't have been more disgusted. He was travelling from region to region as a child, so he never got time to listen to his pop music. He waa glad not to. The new president allowed fame to get into his head from the moment he was famous, and he thought he was unstoppable.

There were plenty of reasons to hate Justin Bieber: his poor music for starters; his obese ego; his whore-like attitude; vain comments, such as the one about Anne Frank, and a general lack of respect. He was too young to be a president to begin with, but it was his attitude towards pokemon that enraged Ash.

President Bieber claimed very publicly that pokemon was for fags who can't get laid. It was no way for the president to speak. His screaming fanbase became more hostile, but it didn't stop anyone from expressing their full opinions. It was still a free world, and Ash wanted it to stay that way. As Ash began to slap his hand he wished that he could alter time, so he could prevent Justin from becoming president. It should never have happened and he knew that hell was close at hand.

"I wish I could go through time," Ash whispered to himself. Perhaps Ash should have known better because he said it with no idea that it could have been true. He failed to notice Jirachi behind him with small black eyes flying behind him on its yellow wings.

Ash did not realize the power of his wish before it was too late. He found himself in a world of sand, scorching weather and camels from the distance. They were coming for him.

Since Bieber came into power, many have tried to stop him with corruption and violence. But May found one person who wanted to do it with peace and love. Before he died, he sang about healing the world and looking after the children. His name was known worldwide as one of the most successful singers of all time. The ghost of Michael Jackson had been wandering around the world trying to get someone to hear his pleas.

May understood that it wasn't so easy. Most people would be scared of a ghost, especially if in their lifetime he was accused of sexual abuse most foul. He was found not guilty and the alleged victims confessed their parents forced them to make it up for quick cash. Very tragic.

"Children aren't being allowed to be children," Michael Jackson proclaimed. "They don't have fun like they used to. There are people, especially children still suffering out there. I know President Bieber wants to keep my legacy going, but he's only giving his fans benefits. That's wrong, love is for everybody."

"So what do you need?" May asked.

"I'm a mayor of a district in heaven," Michael Jackson explained. "I need someone to travel through time and pick up some things for me."

"Okay," May said. "I'd get them for you, but the problem is I don't know how to travel through time."

"It's okay," Michael said, patting her back. "Transport is arranged."

May had a look at the list that suddenly appeared in her hand as if the air had spat it out. She read the list out and she was shocked at some of the items on the list. She wasn't sure how she was going to get some of these, especially since they're so personal, but she was going to give it a go.

Time Travelling Collection List
William Shakespeare's Signature
A contemporary portrait of Anne Boleyn
Cesare Borgia's monkey
Cleopatra's necklace
Napoleon's hat
Photos of Doctor Who
Retro video games
White dresses
As many kind of coins as possible.

"How come I've been chosen?" May asked.

"It's alright," Michael insisted. "You won't be alone. You won't be alone because Ash will be with you."

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